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I want to give my N9-app an update. I've written it last year, using QtSDK 1.2.1 from Nokia. Now of course I could repeat the trick, install the SDK and continue. But I'd like to pick up some Qt and QtQuick 2 skills, so it makes sense to use the current versions of QtCreator. Is there a feasible way to get the Harmattan target and related tools working in these newer versions? I can't find an online installer as is in QtSDK 1.2.1.

Is it even worth pursuing? Or should I just install the old QtSDK 1.2.1 and the new stuff separately?

Somewhat related: will the Sailfish SDK integrate nicely? It seems silly to have 3 versions of the Qt dev tools installed...
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Posts: 6,436 | Thanked: 12,701 times | Joined on Nov 2011 @ Ängelholm, Sweden
i have harmattan qtcreator + sdk, sailfish, bb10 installed separately. don't think you should mix them.
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