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skype sound is not soft, but make sure you close other programs while using it for voice or the sound could get choppy. at least don't attempt to browse the web and talk on skype at the same time.
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Originally Posted by sjgadsby View Post
<great stuff />
You wouldn't consider sticking this on the appropriate wiki page, would you?
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I must say I am amazed how many women seem to like this device. I think my wife would find it simply too small and she has her laptop open all over the house so she would not see the point. I will give it to her and see if she likes it.
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I got an N800 for christmas for myself and put sudoku on it so my wife would like it too and I can justify the cost somehow . Now she barely puts it down.
She stays at home with our 2 yr old and the Nokia is very usable. She can browse craigslist all day and check email, bank account etc. ... we use it to call relatives via skype in europe. Its great!
And having no kb is great when having little touch-everything-monsters at home. Just don't show them that there are little videos inside! ( Now he brushes his teeth while watching BluesClues in bed.)


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Posts: 30 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Connecticut, USA
Thanks everyone. It looks like this is definitely the route we're going to go. The husband has given me the go ahead. I was delighted in reading that I can use Pidgin on it as it's my normal messenger of choice.

I think the main appeal of it was definitely the size. Slipping it in my pocket or out of reach is exactly what I'm looking for. My husband has a laptop that we barely get to use because the boys are always wanting to play (ie. bang) with it.
Posts: 883 | Thanked: 980 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Bern, Switzerland
It is indeed "too useful" for my kids, too :-) The two year old came into the parent's sleeping room this morning, just to climb over me (still in Bed), grab the N810 and shout "SAM!" - she appreciates it very much that I keep 36 episodes of "Fireman Sam" on my tablet...

The 4 year old likes TuxPaint and to type around with the keyboard (learning the ABC).
I also started to put some Flash-based music "apps/games" on the N810 (inspired by PyAno, but the Flash stuff is much easier on the device).
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Flash games are fun for kids. I did download a few from websites and now just load the file local.
( Now I wish I would have bought the extended service plan - since its in kids hands that often. arrrgh.)

Posts: 97 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Nov 2007
where can I find some of these games for kids?

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