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Posts: 184 | Thanked: 75 times | Joined on Mar 2011 @ UK
im still having issues with the libqtm-11 .

It is installed but kasvopus still says libqtcore 4 and 2 other files r missing...
#1 Nokia N900 Feb- 2011 - June - 2013 (Dead motherboard)
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Last edited by Ast007; 2013-07-22 at 18:44.
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it isint maintained anymore. Sigh.
Posts: 184 | Thanked: 75 times | Joined on Mar 2011 @ UK
I dont mind, but i want to get that error fixed
#1 Nokia N900 Feb- 2011 - June - 2013 (Dead motherboard)
#2 Nokia N900 July-2013 (CSSU Stable) - Present
#3 Nokia N900 April-2014 (CSSU Thumb) - Present

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I learned about this app after I installed a preview release of Nemo/SailfishOS and it came preinstalled.
However, I cannot log in either. I mean, I could log in with the Maemo version by forcing Kasvopus to stop at the login promp - however, I'm receiving Facebook Bad API (400) errors even after login.
In Nemo, login is not possible at all.
Is there any chance to get that fixed?
I'd guess that IF people spent time to port this app to SailfishOS, maybe someone could also find some spare time to update the API-request to the current Facebook API?
Thank you in advance.


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Any news about this? Api update?

bada rox, maemo > bada, prada sox

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