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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
These suckers have a hook-and-loop at the top as well as a snapping belt loop inside. The PERFECT N810 case! ...

Just received my PLTK-10 from a French eBay seller.
Delivery was fast as lightning, but the case isn't really suitable for the N810. It just too big!
The N810 hangs loose inside the pouch. The rubber band which should prevent the unit from slipping out of the pouch also hangs loose, and thus is not of great help. This case was simply made for somewhat thicker PDAs.

So if someone can suggest a _really_ good and _suitable_ slip or flip case for the N810, please let me know - Thanks;-)

Meanwhile, I'll keep the cheesy Nokia case, which at least holds the unit in place.
If it were somewhat better quality and not colored like this,
and also had at least one of the flat sides made of stiffer material to protect the display, it would not even be that bad.

Since Nokia took many ideas for the N810 from the OQO 02,
they should have taken a look at the very high quality OQO Executive Case, and offered a suitable one for the N810.

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