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Originally Posted by Benson View Post
Looked, and it looks like it's a "high-level o-o language" implemented as a preprocessor to C. Where have I seen that before (and didn't like it then, either...)?
Don't know :-) I've seen some C++ to C translators before in times when writing direct c++ compiler from scratch was considered to be too much work. Also the moc compiler in QT is in some way similar but otherwise quite different.

Vala is layer that finally allows me to start coding for GTK and stay sane. If you look at current code written in C for GTK, D-bus etc, it already looks like autogenerated from some high level oo language like Vala :-) I don't believe anyone would type it all by hand. Certainly not me in my spare time and for free :-) Vala is specific to glib gobject system that needs to be used anyway so one can just save himself the pain and still get same result. Or at least that's the theory. The other alternatives like Python, Mono, Java all come with some price.

BTW, to stay on topic, here is another attempt to solve the PAN issue
Newbies click here before posting. Thanks.

If you really need to PM me with troubleshooting question please consider posting it to the forum instead. It is OK to PM me a link to such post then. Thank you.

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Hrm. I'm willing to accept failure with libconic, but I didn't change the monitor example script at all

Nice link fanoush! is more than enough info for me to spin up a deb that binds in DHCP and automatic phone linking. Disconnect won't be as smart as I'd like, but that can wait until Nokia throws real cycles at the problem
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Here's my first shot at debian integration.

Step one is to install dbus-scripts:

Step two, install the package.

Step three is to make sure your phone with PAN is set as your phone.

Step four, connect to the BT-PAN IAP.

Step five ought to be profit

I don't have any suitable hardware for this one, but a friend in the area does, so this ought to be final soon: however, it really ought to work as is
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File Type: deb panner_0.1_armel.deb (3.1 KB, 137 views)

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aleksandyr, I tried your .deb file, and it installed properly on my N810, but didn't solve it for me. For one thing, it didn't create a BT-PAN IAP, and when I set up a dummy IAP, I still had no success. But I'll keep watching the garage project, and hope you arrive at a solution. Thanks!
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I want to make this an all-in-one .deb which also creates the IAP for you. Suggestions are welcome on the garage project page.
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In theory, the post-install script will create the IAP for you, put the scripts in the proper places, and start them.

In practice, it appears I've screwed up my package and will have to figure out why it's working on my device, and not for everyone else.
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aleksandyr, I could put you on the members list for maemo-pan. Then you can upload your stuff to SVN and we can use this as a basis for further improvements.
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Here we go...

Thanks to aleksandyr for collecting information and to fanoush for hacking the initial PAN shell script!
maemo-pan doesn't have any dependencies except OS 2008. It consists of a very lightweight daemon written in C and a shell script for starting / stopping PAN.

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Can/should this also be used for networking between tablet & PC over BT ?
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Originally Posted by fpp View Post
Can/should this also be used for networking between tablet & PC over BT ?
Not yet but this is planned for the future.

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