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Posts: 481 | Thanked: 190 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Salem, OR
Originally Posted by Reggie
Google Maps - mobile version
I never used "Google Maps - mobile version", but I bet gnuite's app is better!

Posts: 481 | Thanked: 190 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Salem, OR
WOW here, picture of g talk on nokia:

Posts: 481 | Thanked: 190 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Salem, OR
or maybe just a photoshop job? <g>
Posts: 5 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Mar 2006 @ las vegas
That picture is definatley photoshopped, poorly I might add, you can see how they cut and paste the image over the screen (didn't even use layers). Hopefully we can find out if this is just a software upgrade, or a whole new machine, if a whole new machine, then I think that alot of people will be pretty pissed off. I know I will be.

Interesting link -- It is based on the 770, or is the 770 with software upgrade.

Last edited by GeXX; 2006-05-12 at 21:19.
Posts: 14 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ USA
Has everyone missed the talk about the QWERTY keyboard??
The WSJ report also mentioned that the new 770 will have a built-in keyboard??
Anybody has any info on this?
aflegg's Avatar
Posts: 1,463 | Thanked: 81 times | Joined on Oct 2005 @ UK
We've known for quite a while that the IM solution would be based on Google Talk - there were slides about it at an earlier open source conference (which I can't seem to find at the moment).

Some thoughts:
  • If the 2006 OS is imminent (for consumers), Nokia are shooting themselves in the foot. They must pre-release it to developers via on a beta-programme, otherwise there'll be no third party software at launch due to the ABI and API changes.
  • Releasing a new device (either as a successor or sibling to the 770) would, IMHO, be a mistake too. Developers are going to have enough fun porting existing apps to the new API without having to test on devices they don't have. Pissing off existing developers by releasing something more powerful/featureful would be achieved by effectively diminishing the investment early adopters have put in.

Personally, I'd guess that the update is only software. Wishful thinking time: any QWERTY keyboard option would be best provided through a new shell-based accessory plugging into the USB port, rather than a whole new device.


Jeffgrado's Avatar
Posts: 224 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on Nov 2005
That Engadget link mentioned that they have heard about a QWERTY version from last Feb. When did that become a rumor? The thing that makes me think there will be a new version is that fact that they mention a $390 price tag. If it was just a software update, wouldn't they list today's price?
etrunko's Avatar
Posts: 75 | Thanked: 110 times | Joined on Sep 2005
Hi all,
JFI, It is known for sometime that the voip solution will be based on the telepathy framework, which interoperates with Google Talk for VoIP and IM. Also, it worths to learn a little bit more about the whole technology involved: Jabber, XMPP and libjingle.

Regards, Etrunko.

Last edited by etrunko; 2006-05-12 at 22:29. Reason: Fixing links
Posts: 32 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jan 2006
The more I think of it, the more I think an add-on modular thumb-board would be better than a built in thumb-board. Too bad the mic is next to the USB port. Also, I'd be surprised if they didn't support bluetooth headsets for VOIP.
Posts: 41 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Apr 2006
Isn't there a blog somewhere by one of the 770 engineers at Nokia? I have been looking for a link and can't seem to find it. It might be interesting to see if he has anything to say about the Google rumor/news.

P.S. - I have had my 770 for about 4 weeks now, and I love it. But I will be very bummed if I have to get new hardware for the VOIP to work. Reading the different reports gives no clear picture if this is a software update, new hardware, both? The most troubling fact is that the maemo development community is totally in the dark about this (see post above).

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