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Posts: 45 | Thanked: 47 times | Joined on Feb 2012 @ Finland - Home of Nokia & Linux

I'v got a some problems on my n9, and i hope to find answers here.

I installed the mighty Open Wazapp on my N9. I'm not keeping my n9 online alltime. So Every time when my n9 goes offline, my wazapp goes "Gone" state. When i connect my n9 to Wifi and go to the wazapp again, the state is still "Gone". Only choise to get wazapp online is to quit wazapp and open it again. Do you have any advice to this?

Secondly. My friend send me a "test" friend request with skype. i didn't notice this with my pc:s skype, it was only test. Now, in my n9 notification view there is skype friend request. If i try to open it with my n9, it only says something like: "you must be online to do this" And i can't find the friend request form my PC:s skype anymore.

Sorry for my brilliant english
Wonder who closed all the electronics shops tv:s (Power of infrared)

skype, wazap, wazapp, wazzapp, whatsapp

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