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Apart from bugs and things I already discussed on IRC, just a few not-impossible-ideas I'd like to see, and I submit them to TMO in case they are silly and should not be submitted to

- Turn by turn navigation in Maps (of course).
- "Set as unread" in Email pulley menu (inside a message).
- When launching maps, ask whether GPS should be activated and disabled on close (instead of having to toggle it in general Settings, but should still be doable from there).
- Events icons in Lockscreen should be interactive, or at least more informative (email sender, number of emails, sms sender and preview, and so on), instead of having to trigger the Events menu. The main purpose of the lockscreen is to add a step between double tap and swipe gestures for unlocking, but lets make it content-rich.
- Internet connectivity in Lockscreen pulley menu (should group Wifi and 3G networks).
- Show clock for let's say 30 sec when phone is locked but proximity sensor is uncovered (when the Jolla is picked up in pocket). See Timenow app by Qwazix for N900.
- Android apps should close when the Alien cover is closed. Instead, they are kept in memory (try to launch 3 Android apps, close the whole cover, reopen it: the three apps are still there if you press the right icon in the toolbar).
- Add possibility to reorganize songs in queue list of Music player, by drag and drop. Add long press/contextual menu options too, like "queue" (plays next regardless of where the song is in the list), "move to top", "move to bottom".
- Fix Gallery issue reported here several times.
- Fix Video player (tried three different formats, including mp4 and avi, none played correctly except of course the Jolla videos that came with the device).
- Improve account identity visibility: not possible at the moment to know which account you are using in the Messages application when you try to send an instant message. Not possible to switch either: add each identity to the "Select type" button, so that one can chose which account to use to send the message, just like all phone numbers of the recipient are already displayed in that menu.
- If you want to change presence status of one account out of several accounts of the same type in the Events view, then you can't distinguish identities because only account type is displayed. I think it is planned already, I discussed it with a dev.
- Move battery level and connectivity icons to Lockscreen instead of in between lockscreen and homescreen. Make connectivity icon interactive for easy choice of data network (simpler than having to browse the Settings app)?
- I don't think the 3G icon changes between these two very different states: "3G network available" and "connected to 3G network". It should.
- Allow "rearrange" and "restore" in longpressed homescreen view. Don't remove the scroll feature in that view.
- Add Ambience to Lockscreen pulley menu, as one will likely want to change ambience when unlocking or just before locking the device (when situation changes and ones takes his Jolla in his pocket, or puts it in his pocket: car, meeting, work, home, etc.). Allow only one of the four side swipes currently reserved for chosing among favorite ambiences.
- Use unnecessary side swipes on lockscreen and homescreen for something more relevant. Examples: side swipe on lockscreen to return to last state before the device locked up (return to last applcation in fullscreen, not homescreeen); side swipes on homescreen user-defined, with options for launching Settings app, or triggering a general menu similar to that of the N9 (and actually, similar to Sailfish Settings app's first page).
- Add "Search by term" in Email pulley menu.
- Add a keyboard layout with arrows and special characters, easy to display (side swipe?).
- In Sailfish Browser, add landscape, add select text mode, remove forced refresh on tab opening, show address bar when on top of the page for easy URL editing, add option to browse location for each download, add swirley gesture for zooming/dezooming.
- Increase number of tweets in memory in Events view.
- Add conversation context when tapping on a tweet.
- Add options for showing events in a seemless way when bottom swiping to show the Events view, instead of having to click on Twitter icon first. Options available should offer seemless displaying for Twitter, RSS feeds, Calendar events, and other social stuff I am not aware of. Calendar events should stay on top untill removed by user.
- Add Google Calendar synchronization and with multi-calendar support.

Well, OK, I finally added a few things already mentioned in the thread or on IRC.

I'm not complaining or asking to add all that without any further discussion in the next update. Just trying to write things down before I forget, but I know Jolla will decide at the end, and take the time they need. Input and positive/negative comments welcome.

Last edited by Kabouik; 2013-12-21 at 00:42.

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Originally Posted by rob_kouw View Post
Question about the UI / onscreen keyboard when writing an SMS. Let's say I select a contact named John. Right above the keyboard I click the message line, where in faint letters it says "Hi John". That seems a nice start for a message (something I missed on N9 btw) but I have no clue how to activate the "Hi John". Any key and it disappears.
It's placeholder text, to give you an idea of what the field is for. You need to write "Hi John" if that's what you'd like to say.
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Originally Posted by w00t View Post
It's placeholder text, to give you an idea of what the field is for. You need to write "Hi John" if that's what you'd like to say.
Not the best idea to have that always staring back, when most conversations are pretty soon all in a "ongoing" status where suggesting "Hi name" is pretty much useless.

Last edited by lkravovicz; 2013-12-21 at 01:25.

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I searched but haven't found an answer - how to import .ics calendar file?
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I will also ask here, didn't find answer from Google / TMO (yet)..

So I have android applications, and I would like to import media from aliendalvik to jolla. Now for example I've got WhatsApp images stored in
Can I somehow add media indexing to that folder in my gallery app, or should I have some script running and copy these images to let's say /home/nemo/Pictures/Jolla ?
Posts: 11 | Thanked: 54 times | Joined on Dec 2013
You can get WPA EAP-PEAP and EAP-TTLS (maybe others) to work.
-Devel-mode on
-Make file /var/lib/connman/wifi-foo.config
In file add following (this is example :-) )


-then in gui: settings -> wlan off -> wlan on

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Originally Posted by korppi View Post
You can get WPA EAP-PEAP and EAP-TTLS (maybe others) to work.

I don't know if it is relevant in this context, but isn't MS-CHAPv2 horribly broken, and should not be used?
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Any1 had some weird crashes or something? My phone has crashed 2 times in the past 1,5 weeks. No idea what might cause that. I think the phone is on but just cant unlock it, first time pressing power button for some time worked and shut down the phone, 2nd time the led was just red for long time and didnt seem to shut down completely, had to take out battery and then it booted normally.
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Originally Posted by Leinad View Post
Remembering the iPhone Without Apps, MMS, and Copy Paste

+ no GPS, no 3G, ...
This is like comparing your income now and 20 years ago without adjusting for inflation. It's no longer early days for smartphones. The competition has matured and Jolla must be compared to what is out there now, not early ios, Amdroid.

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Originally Posted by Kabouik View Post
- Show clock for let's say 30 sec when phone is locked but proximity sensor is uncovered (when the Jolla is picked up in pocket). See Timenow app by Qwazix for N900.
I really miss the always-on AMOLED of the N9. This approach sounds like it could fit my use case to check clock and notifications quickly.

Besides that, it's really bad that the clock is on the bottom of the lock screen. If you just want to check the clock, you have to fully pull it out of your pocket.

Furthermore, when using a side-swipe to peak to the home/cover screen from an application, the clock is on top. I understand the design decision that the clock moves to the lock screen above, but it's not intuitive to look for the same information at different screen location.

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