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wicket's Avatar
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You've probably thought of this already but in case you haven't, in order to encourage transfers to Neo900 UG, it would be a good idea to include in the email a list the negative points of choosing real refunds (loss of currency exchange, loss of pre-order bonus, etc.) and also list incentives such as recent developments that not everyone may be aware of (two-point multi-touch, likely to have 1GB RAM, etc.).

Note for dos1: Other than being mentioned in the December Progress Update, I couldn't find any other mention on the website of two-point multi-touch support (it doesn't seem to be under Features, Specs nor FAQ). It might be worth making this more visible. Replicant users in particular would be very interested in this feature. Maybe give this guy a ping too.
DebiaN900 - Native Debian on the N900. Deprecated in favour of Maemo Leste.

Maemo Leste for N950 and N9 (currently broken).
Devuan for N950 and N9.

Mobile devices with mainline Linux support - Help needed with documentation.

"Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly." - Henry Spencer

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Originally Posted by joerg_rw View Post
I suppose GDC will implement two buttons to your customer order management page you received the URL in your invoice
Please forward my refund to Neo900 UG
Please send my refund to this account: "BIC:____; IBAN:_____; Bank Name:____"
Then you'll receive a mail from GDC asking you to visit your customer order management page and select either of both. I don't know exactly what Nikolaus is planning to do, but this approach seems least effort for customers and him.

Hi, please don't speculate in the public or tell it me first It will be very similar in simplicity but slightly different in procedure.

-- hns

Last edited by gta04; 2014-05-22 at 08:54.

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Originally Posted by klinglerware View Post
I am glad that you are not considering Kickstarter. Based on the iControlPad 2 fiasco (do a search for "icp2 kickstarter" for the background), I can only conclude 3 things:

1. Kickstarter and Amazon Payments skim a lot off the top
2. Kickstarter is risky for developers, since their TOS requires that the end result is tangible product returned to the backers (or full refunds, presumably)
3. Kickstarter is risky for backers, since Kickstarter doesn't appear to enforce their TOS as mentioned above

Kickstarter is good for a lot of things, but electronic hardware development and production is probably not one of them.
I would add:

4. Kickstarter requires the campaign to be a greyhound-race by defining a definitive deadline. After the deadline you can't participate any more.

We prefer to allow for continuous backing as long as we have not made final decisions about production batches. This is simply a different philosophy (convince users by facts and not by urgency to buy) which better matches a project that started some months ago.

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To everyone: check out the Neo900 Progress Update - May which also covers this "change in organization" topic.

Originally Posted by wicket View Post
Note for dos1: Other than being mentioned in the December Progress Update, I couldn't find any other mention on the website of two-point multi-touch support (it doesn't seem to be under Features, Specs nor FAQ). It might be worth making this more visible. Replicant users in particular would be very interested in this feature. Maybe give this guy a ping too.
Noted, thanks!
Sebastian Krzyszkowiak -
Long term Openmoko supporter. Owner of two Neo Freerunners, a few N900s and some others too.
Future owner of the Neo900

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Originally Posted by wicket View Post
You've probably thought of this already but in case you haven't, in order to encourage transfers to Neo900 UG, it would be a good idea to include in the email a list the negative points of choosing real refunds (loss of currency exchange, loss of pre-order bonus, etc.) and also list incentives such as recent developments that not everyone may be aware of (two-point multi-touch, likely to have 1GB RAM, etc.).
Yeah! Release the advertising beast that lives inside you! That message should sound like you're the boss of the world and that decision to transfer funds was made simply to take control over the whole world faster and to attract more single sexy teenage chicks during that time, not like it was caused by some serious problems, etc. You know, more like "we are so winning that we created separate company to be more transparent and spent the money better and in more clever way, making sure it will be spent 100% on Neo900 development" and less like "we had some different thoughts on how to solve our internal team issues and so we decided to split". It might be the language barrier, but my first reaction to the announcement about need to transfer funds etc. was closer to the second one and it brought rather negative feelings at first. You need more flash'y banners, bright colors and shitty marketing talk

(I'm dieing a little inside writing this as an educated engineer who personally hates crapdvertising, but I would instantly click on "transfer funds" button if it was preceded by 2-3 nice pictures - prototypes which actually do something, WOW! WOW!, information about current progress - calls, sms, multitouch, gps and glonass acquiring fix in less than 30s, WOW! WOW!; damn, I'm getting old and stupid:P)

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Originally Posted by misiak View Post
It might be the language barrier, but my first reaction to the announcement about need to transfer funds etc. was closer to the second one and it brought rather negative feelings at first.
It contains the word "finally".

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Since it seems the following draft - despite based on his initial version of it and just cleaned up and reworded - is not acceptable for Nikolaus to send out to "his customers" (== donors), I post it here to let you know and discuss.
I'm facing constant accusations and flaming of trying to cheat you all with this since I'm not willing to include the text from #70 in this thread to the "donation page" and allegedly "willingly cheating customers by deliberately concealing information" (the bit about our promise of rebates that the UG of course will faithfully keep but which can't go to the new donation page, as explained in #70)

I'm not conceiling any info, so here you are:
Dear Neo900 customer,

You may have read on the forums and mailing lists that we need to
reorganize the financial side of how the project is managed:


For performing this reorganization, we need your help.

We have to "roll back" the orders Golden Delicious Computers (GDC)
have received. The money will then be transferred to Neo900 UG (i.e.,
the new head of the project), in the form of donations. Since the
"roll back" voids your agreement with GDC, we also have to offer those
who sent 100 EUR or more the option to get a refund.

We hope and ask for your continued interest and support, but if you
should prefer a refund, the amount refunded will be your original
payment minus about 13% for work done in the project so far (see below
for details). If your transfer was in a foreign currency, there can
be additional differences due to exchange rate variations.

Please note that GDC and Neo900 UG are two distinct entities and GDC
therefore can have no liability for what Neo900 UG will be using the
money for. Please see
<> and the thread linked to from there to find Neo900 UG / Joerg
Reisenweber's statement (#1F) explaining the details.

Therefore, please give a binding answer to the following question
through our shop communication system. Please do this by following the
„personal order link“ at the end of this mail and scrolling down to
„Notes / Add to Notes“ (please don't reply by e-mail):

Q: Do you instruct GDC to transfer all order data and your refund to
Neo900 UG instead of doing the refund directly to you?

A1: If you agree, please answer with „Yes, I instruct a transfer“.
A2: If you don't agree, please answer with „No, I want a refund“.

In case you are choosing the refund, it goes either directly back to
your credit card (if you used one to pay) or if you have used
SEPA/IBAN bank transfer, please provide your account data. Please note
that we do the refund in EUR, so the resulting amount depends on the
exchange rate of your local currency.

Here are the details how we have calculated the refund amount.
GDC has spent (incl. VAT) so far for this project:

* 2983.66 EUR - material (e.g. PCBs, components, 1000 display connectors)
* 6924.31 EUR - engineering (R&D)
* 990.80 EUR - other expenses (e.g. shipment, credit card fees, server
operation, shop, tax advisor, etc.)

Payments below 100 EUR are not refundable. They make a total of
exactly 1000 EUR from 50 persons. This means that the remaining
expenses of 9898.77 EUR are to be equitably shared by the customers
with payments of 100 EUR or more, who donated 75 045 EUR in total.
Therefore, 13.19% of the total amount has been already spent.

This amount (13.19%) will be subtracted from what you have originally
paid and is equivalent to your contribution to bring the project to
the status it currently has (thanks!).
this been the result of three people trying for 3 days to come up with something that meets all of GDC's concerns, and now GDC explained that no further cooperation is possible unless we do what Nik wants: place the text of #70 (or even a fineprint created by a lawyer, beyond the existing already lawyer-checked usual disclaimer) on the donation page so he can link to it in this mail planned to get sent to you by GDC. Which is something my lawyers forbid me to do, see rationale in #70.

Please note that for all I know you already could follow the instructions in this letter, originally put there by Nikolaus. When you do and succeed, then please report here to encourage others to do same. The URL is in the invoice you received from GDC. For text to copy&paste into the "add note" I of course suggest a "I instruct an unconditional transfer to Neo900 UG account". Of course you are free to no longer support the project and alternatively opt for the refund, and I honestly could understand this, though I hope for your continued support to make Neo900 come true.Whatever you choose from those two options, it will roll back any agreement you had with GDC. The Neo900 UG will stick to the spirit and result of same agreement in case you decide to transfer your donation.

Anyway, here again a link collection to point you to all the relevant info: and in there particularly
The spirit, idea and concept behind the donation remains the same, so for our donors nothing relevant will change, but we can't do it with that fineprint we had so far[...]
Legally this turns your donation from whatever it's right now in the notion of german Tax Office into a true clean donation to Neo900 UG, something that it meant to be from beginning. By agreeing to this you also agree to GDC forwarding the data of your order (amount, date of transfer, special requests, etc) to Neo900 UG so we can handle your donation correctly.
sorry, best regards

Last edited by joerg_rw; 2014-05-28 at 13:30.

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Originally Posted by joerg_rw View Post
Since it seems the following draft - despite based on his initial version of it and just cleaned up and reworded - is not acceptable for Nikolaus to send out to "his customers" (== donors), I post it here to let you know and discuss.
Please note that he wasn't authorized to make this draft public (copyright violation?) and ask like

Please note that for all I know you already could follow the instructions in this letter, originally put there by Nikolaus. When you do and succeed, then please report here to encourage others to do same.
Which is something my lawyers forbid me to do, see rationale in #70.
was never argued in our internal discussions or proven by facts.

This is a clear breach of confidence.

And forces me to declare the final end of the participation from GDC in the Neo900 project.

So you will receive a new letter within the next hours for a direct refund. Then, you can do with the refund what you want. Even donate to Neo900 UG. It is completely your decision.

It is only that GDC isn't making any recommendation or helping with funds transfer.

Sorry that it did take this end. I have tried for months to give Jörg support and help, but there is some point where it becomes unprofitable.

Please don't be disappointed. There will be other interesting projects. And other interesting aspects of life. Neo900 is not the destiny and center of life.

For your understanding: I don't have anything personally against Jörg (he is a nice guy and we share a lot of ideas and visions) and I am not chasing/stalking/bashing him. It is his project and he wants my help. But in a way that I don't feel comfortable any more even trying to help him.


Last edited by gta04; 2014-05-28 at 14:10.

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Originally Posted by gta04 View Post
Sorry that it did take this end. I have tried for months to give Jörg support and help, but there is some point where it becomes unprofitable.
Understood. Pity, but business is business. It's sad we are such a small cutomer base that it's unprofitable to build a device for us only (or maybe part of us possibly interested didn't know - and probably still don't know - about this project, so they could not donate).

Originally Posted by gta04 View Post
For your understanding: I don't have anything personally against Jörg (he is a nice guy and we share a lot of ideas and visions) and I am not chasing/stalking/bashing him. It is his project and he wants my help. But in a way that I don't feel comfortable any more even trying to help him.
Understood, too. No negative feelings towards you (at least from me - one of nobodys on this website), just a little bit of disappointment (but nothing personal, it's just sad when a person with your skills decides to not participate in a challenging project).

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Eh, not too impressed with GDC now. Though I don't suppose I would have had any reason to do other business with them anyway. That kind of stuff is typically not something I am all that into.

Originally Posted by gta04 View Post
Please don't be disappointed. There will be other interesting projects. And other interesting aspects of life. Neo900 is not the destiny and center of life.

Maybe not, but I do need a new phone, and Android does not cut it (let's not even mention the others).

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