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Originally Posted by RobertMe View Post
It shouldn't do this. Does it also navigate the page stack on swiping left or right, or does it only trigger the pulley? I can't try to reproduce it right now, but will look into it later today.
I've only experienced this on up & down. I think it's because if I start the upwards gesture from the center of the keypad it will trigger the pulley menu gesture, but not sure. I'm used to use xbmcremote on n9 without even having to look at the phone so maybe it's the way I'm used to do the gesture.
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Originally Posted by javiermon View Post
I've only experienced this on up & down. I think it's because if I start the upwards gesture from the center of the keypad it will trigger the pulley menu gesture, but not sure. I'm used to use xbmcremote on n9 without even having to look at the phone so maybe it's the way I'm used to do the gesture.
It seems a bit odd to me, as I've added the code to not propagate the click/move to other elements, which, as you say, does work for the pagestack (without it you even couldn't go left/right as it would navigate between the pages). So it's odd the same fix doesn't apply to the pully. But the fix should be easy, I may be able to make a second release containing this fix later today.

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Originally Posted by RobertMe View Post
It seems a bit odd to me, as I've added the code to not propagate the click/move to other elements, which, as you say, does work for the pagestack (without it you even couldn't go left/right as it would navigate between the pages). So it's odd the same fix doesn't apply to the pully. But the fix should be easy, I may be able to make a second release containing this fix later today.
I've just looked into this. Could it be you're swiping really fast (already making the swipe before touching the screen)? Because that's the only way I can reproduce it. When this happens the MouseArea which is used to track the swipe movement even doesn't receive the press/click, so it seems like there's nothing I can do about it. So I can only advice the work around of first pressing the screen, and then doing the swipe. You don't have to hold it for an eternity, but if you first touch the gesture pad and then start the swipe it works as it expected (or at least for me).

Coming back to the crash logging. There is no way to handle/log the crashes. Crashes may be logged by Sailfish itself. But for them to be useful it would require the presence of the debug symbols, which can't be provided in the store. So when you do get a crash, try to reproduce it and post the steps either here or send me an email. The same goes for other issues, either post them in this thread or email them to me and I will look into it.

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Xbmcremote is since this morning also available in Jolla Harbour. Although it lacks some features (so I would recommend using the OpenRepos version)

The features the Harbour version is missing are:
  • No haptic feedback on the keypad (and thus gesture pad, which IMO is quite annoying as you lack the click feedback)
  • No volume control, as it's implemented by using the hardware volume buttons, but it isn't allowed to listen for those key presses
  • No caller name visible when you receive an incoming call. Calls can be detected, but to get the contacts name the app needs to read the contact list, which also isn't allowed.

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Thanks. So are you planning on removing those features alltogether in next releases or have the caped one in harbour and the fully featured in openrepos?

Personally, I think the policy of jolla not allowing those features sounds a bit stupid.
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They will of course still be available in the OpenRepos version. I'll try to release them in the Harbour version as soon as possible, but that would require changes on those policies on Jollas end. So that would mean waiting till they support on or more of those APIs.

Last edited by RobertMe; 2014-07-12 at 16:46.
Posts: 149 | Thanked: 57 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Found an issue. On the keypad view, there's only the upper pulley menu but you can push the page upwards, like there's a lower pulley menu. Found this while using the keypad like I described earlier.

Last edited by javiermon; 2014-07-12 at 10:49.
Posts: 59 | Thanked: 168 times | Joined on Jun 2012
Originally Posted by javiermon View Post
Found an issue. On the keypad view, there's only the upper pulley menu but you can push the page upwards, like there's a lower pulley menu. Found this while using the keypad like I described earlier.
Found that also already when reproducing your issue, and will be fixt in the next release. The push up menu is for toggling to the picture keypad (when viewing images) but it wasn't getting disabled properly.

Another reported issue (in Harbour) is the search field losing focus when it finds a result. This is also already fixt for the next release.

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Originally Posted by javiermon View Post
I've only experienced this on up & down. I think it's because if I start the upwards gesture from the center of the keypad it will trigger the pulley menu gesture, but not sure. I'm used to use xbmcremote on n9 without even having to look at the phone so maybe it's the way I'm used to do the gesture.
I just kinda randomly found the fix. So this will be fixed in the upcoming update .

If you can't live with this bug, and aren't afraid of modifying files on the device itself. You're able to edit /usr/share/harbour-xbmcremote/qml/pages/Keypad.qml. At line 49 there is a "anchors.fill: parent" add a new line after it "pressDelay: 0" (as shown in this commit). This should fix the issue. Although I didn't change the file myself on the device (I created a new RPM from Qt Creator), this should work, although I don't have any experience at all at modifying files directly on the device itself (without having a corresponding RPM).

Last edited by RobertMe; 2014-08-04 at 17:46.

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Originally Posted by RobertMe View Post
I just kinda randomly found the fix. So this will be fixed in the upcoming update .

If you can't live with this bug, and aren't afraid of modifying files on the device itself. You're able to edit /usr/share/harbour-xbmcremote/qml/pages/Keypad.qml. At line 49 there is a "anchors.fill: parent" add a new line after it "pressDelay: 0" (as shown in this commit). This should fix the issue. Although I didn't change the file myself on the device (I created a new RPM from Qt Creator), this should work, although I don't have any experience at all at modifying files directly on the device itself (without having a corresponding RPM).
I've modified the file and it seems to be working. Thanks!

I've found another bug: When in movie or audio library in any of the subitems (album artists, etc) if you start typing to search, the keyboard is hidden every time you type a letter, so in order to search for a full name it's very clumpsy since you have to type a letter, then get the focus back on the search widget to continue typing.

Last edited by javiermon; 2014-08-05 at 22:10.

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