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Has anyone tried to install Loki apps from SkyHook Wireless on their N800.

With the help of Wifi HotSpots this application can pinpoint exactly where you are.

Also has channels for Events happening around you.

Looks really cool.

take a look at the link:

Regards Robert
Posts: 11 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Sep 2007
Not found anything myself. It would be great .... any suggestions?
Posts: 60 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Jan 2008
The website says support for Linux devices is "Coming Soon".

It seems to me that this can only work it the various hotspots participate by supplying their location to SkyHook. That's fine for Starbucks, McDonalds, etc. but more often than not the AP in range belongs to a private individual or business, and is susceptible to being moved, renamed, etc.
Beside that, I don't think I want SkyHook or anybody else tracking where I am all the time, and sending me "targeted" SPAM.
It's bad enough the cell phones are headed that way without volunteering another device, IMHO

Posts: 11 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Sep 2007
How it works, is that they war drive areas such as London, New York etc and grab the MAC, strength and physical location of all the Wi-Fi routers as they go.

When you request your location, your system scans the local MAC addresses in your area which allows them to pinpoint your location. The system is also self-healing as when you send the info & strengths etc, they can see which machines have arrived and disappeared.

All in all, it's an incredible idea, mostly in how much driving they have to do etc.

You only have to use Skyhook when you want to, it's your choice. A bit like using Google, you can use it, but they will give you adverts if they so desire.

As a site developer for local services, I find this quite a revolutionary way of getting the location to a device. GPS is far too slow and battery intensive at the moment, triangulation by mobile phone co's is all well and good, but slow coming. I was studying this 6 years ago!

I like the idea and having it on my N800 would be a bonus. And already starting to re-code my sites to fit with this.
Posts: 7 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Nov 2007 @ NoVA
Skyhook stuff is good. Not only do they do their own collection of SSID/MAC/GPS data, but users can also choose to submit their location data. That is, using the Loki tool, you can update your location into their database. Using this user-generated data, I was astonished to see that Skyhook got me to within about 30' of my actual location via WiFi geo-location. Very cool stuff.

This is the same technology Google is using in Google Maps Mobile and on the iPhone, so it's definitely ready for prime time.

Can't wait to see what the ITT community can do with this.

aflegg's Avatar
Posts: 1,463 | Thanked: 81 times | Joined on Oct 2005 @ UK
Coincidentally, I've had a post sitting in my maemopeople blog for a while about this:

If you go through Skyhook's licence agreement and SDK download, you find they've got a Maemo 3.1 (i.e. OS2007) version.
Andrew Flegg -- |
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Originally Posted by aflegg View Post
If you go through Skyhook's licence agreement and SDK download, you find they've got a Maemo 3.1 (i.e. OS2007) version.
Andrew did mention licensing in the post, but just so no-one gets the wrong idea: distributing software made with the SDK is only legal after distributor has bought a license from Skyhook.
Posts: 11 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Sep 2007
There was a big release of more SDK code yesterday. Would be great if the browser could get a plug-in rather than having to licence software into particular applications. Still, would be quite cool if maemo-mapper could use this
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I got the SDK as well and wanted to see if I can put up something that can resemble a geo-reminder based on user-defined locations.
We'll see what I can do in the spare time.
Posts: 66 | Thanked: 145 times | Joined on Jan 2008
How about using the wifi database which is free(ish)? The coverage
isn't too bad - not sure how up to date it is or if it "heals". A simple script
can use their web API to lookup the position of surrounding accesspoints - works
for me. See below (you will need your own registered wigle USER and PASS, also
wget and wireless-tools packages):



for n in `iwlist wlan0 scan | awk '/Address/ {print $5;}'`; do
  # '/Signal level/ {print id " " $3;}'
  echo check netid $n

  if [ ! -e ${CACHEFILE} ]; then
    echo looking up $n
    if [ ! -e ${COOKIES} ]; then
      wget --save-cookies=${COOKIES} --no-check-certificate  \

    POS=`wget --load-cookies=${COOKIES} --no-check-certificate \
''${n} -O- 2>/dev/null| 
awk 'BEGIN {FS="[&?=]";} /Get Map/ { print $4 "," $6; }'`

    if [ -n "${POS}" ]; then 
      echo -n "${POS}" > ${CACHEFILE}

  if [ -e ${CACHEFILE} ]; then
    echo $n: `cat ${CACHEFILE}`;
    echo $n: not found;


should spit out latitude and longitude if found:

00:12:17:77:77:77: 22.2014776,15.14542959

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