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edgar2's Avatar
Moderator | Posts: 199 | Thanked: 264 times | Joined on May 2009 @ turku, finland
so this is what happened. i have two caldav calendars synced between my n9 and an owncloud instance. the owncloud server broke, and the backups were corrupted.

so now i have the calendars on my n9, but not on an owncloud server. i'm thinking maybe it's possible to setup an identical owncloud server as before, and maybe the n9 will then just re-upload all the calendar appointments.

but if it doesn't. does anyone know of any way possible to export the calendar data on n9 in a format that can be imported, preferably in an owncloud instance, or alternatively on thunderbird or somewhere else that makes sense?

on a related note i have older calendar backups from n9 that would be nice to import for archival purposes, but don't know what to do with those .zip files, which include some .db files as far as i remember. (talking about the n9 backup tool).

caldav, calendar, owncloud

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