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Posts: 93 | Thanked: 87 times | Joined on Nov 2014 @ Bavaria Germany
Originally Posted by Arthuro_Adam View Post
I appreciate a link.

So, because of Wart My number was blocked by Whatsapp and I can't is use my number again?

Any thread about it?
FIRST step:
it is not only for N900...
inofficial client... and following later posts please...

Only SECOND step:
Had a successful re-registration with latest WhatsUP client in last 3 Months in family, but client was never blocked or banned before, further WART registration key resetted/deleted by phone securitiy/false password input.
Nokia 2110 > 6150 > N9 - the last of its kind.
Nokia 6700 >

Last edited by DeadHorseRiding; 2015-04-24 at 23:21.
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v1.2.1 is out
but is it broken? can't install.
Posts: 22 | Thanked: 15 times | Joined on Feb 2014 @ Finland
Yeah. Package is broken, can't install.
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uuuu, excited, waiting for fix if you guys say isnt working yet and curious if i will get disconnect and reconnect every 30 seconds.

Thanks again Cepi, after you release sailfish version i'm gonna propose some "stupid features" , just for fun. :P

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Tank you all for your kind words about Cepis work....
R.I.P. Symbian-Freak.....

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Sorry. I made a deb for test and it worked, then I updated to 1.2.1 and build again. It seems something was wrong uploading file.
I can't upload again until tomorrow cause I forgot source code at work.
Please be patient
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just came across this interesting read (in German, sorry).

According to the article, messages are encrypted using textsecure encryption only between Android devices. However, the official client does not display whether a message is encrypted or not.
Is it possible to somewhat extend whatsup (which is to my knowledge also based on yowsup which was used for the test) with a little icon displaying the encryption status? Would be a great enhancement!
Thanks in advance,


BTW: The changes made in the yowsup sourcecode to get the current encryption status can be found here:

Edit: I'm using the Jolla-Version which works also great for me. Thanks for your work! If there is a dedicated Jolla/Whatsup-Thread elsewhere you may point me there!

Last edited by inte; 2015-04-30 at 10:28.

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Since you don't have an android device, i guess none of the messages are encrypted...
Posts: 130 | Thanked: 77 times | Joined on Aug 2009
Originally Posted by pmeuh View Post
Since you don't have an android device, i guess none of the messages are encrypted...
Well, yowsup is capable of textsecure encryption as well I ment, the only *official* release making use of textsecure encryption is the current Android release, though.

Last edited by inte; 2015-04-30 at 11:27.

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I've uploaded 1.2.1 to openrepos again.
Please let me know if it works.
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