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Originally Posted by jolla-pirate View Post
Well! This has really gotten offtopic!
Any thoughts about Sailfish 2.0 anyone?
Indeed... my final thought about Sailfish 2.0 is that prior to this version I was still using N9 as my main phone. With Sailfish 2.0 I'm noticing I've moved all the tasks I can to Jolla because it has finally become overall nicer to use than my good old N9.
My N9/N950 projects:

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So back to Sailfish OS2.0 preview !

Generally, I like it !

  • feels more polished
  • feels smoother (probably not faster, but feels more smooth)
  • Event view is starting to look good, and being really useful. Waiting for the next part of SOS2 to have it fully working

Cons (more detailed than pros, but doesn't mean there are more):
  • pulley menu are harder to see as there is not anymore the glowing border but one that is too small to see. Some people did not find the "clear notifications" pulley menu from the events view for example.
  • Events view shouldn't be a part of the homescreen and applications available everywhere. As it is done for multitasking, we should be in the events more often than in the app launcher ? Yet they choose to be able to launch app from anywhere but not checking notifications without exiting the app, moving to another homescreen, then getting back to multitask view, and finding again the app in which we where...
  • Having an option to put events view acces on the left swipe is not a solution : I use my phone single handed with any of my hands. When using it with right hand, this swipe is hard to do as too far on the other side of the screen, and when using with the left hand, it is switching applications that becomes difficult. I need an option to put it on the bottom, which can be "quite easily" accessed by both hands, and letting the side borders for switching apps. And they need to make it an overlay as it was and as is the app launcher. It is like for peaking : don't break the flow !
  • OOM killer still killing some apps. It really surprises when it closes the music player . The browser seems the worse for this. I don't understand how opera mobile was able to open 7 or 8 tabs on my old N8 with 256MB of RAM (while playing music by radio, and using maps...), and there the browser struggles with 3.
  • Cover staying in multitasking view when killed by OOM but not noticeable : really ? make a big red cross on it if you want to keep it there, so we can see it doesn't run, or simply remove the cover...
  • cover actions replaced by buttons : I don't like it. buttons are too small to be triggered when you need, and in the way when you don't want them. This is already something heavily discussed on TJC. In the same time, they are not that useful anymore : settings have none, music player can be reached from lockscreen (with the back button that was not on the cover), refreshing tweeter feeds in tweetian have about no use (you cannot read them from the cover which is too small, so you need to enter the app anyway, it would be better in the event view)... And you only have access to the one of apps that are opens. Not sure if it is needed to keep them.
  • first line of icon disappear, making it more difficult to make a call. If the pulley menu from the lockscreen was availlable from the homescreen, we could use it to replace this first line of icon, but that is not the case so far.
And I think that is all the things that annoy me with this first part of Sailfish OS2. I will wait for the next part to have the complete new UI, and from there I will see what I need to patch to remove those hurdles in my daily use.

And obviously, Jolla PR should be in the cons list, but it is not related to this update.

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Originally Posted by MisterMaster View Post
Implement OneDrive and Dropbox backup/restore sync plugins
If those get implemented by Chris before there's a workable buteo sync CalDAV implementation I'll be livid.

I find it a little hypocritical that commercial plugins are getting implemented before open standards when we had that furore over ExFAT.

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after some days of use i can say i really prefer new ui, i am waiting for return of feeds and modification of cover button, for the rest,really nice and usable.

Last edited by itdoesntmatt; 2015-09-18 at 06:13.

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Originally Posted by ajalkane View Post
Indeed... my final thought about Sailfish 2.0 is that prior to this version I was still using N9 as my main phone. With Sailfish 2.0 I'm noticing I've moved all the tasks I can to Jolla because it has finally become overall nicer to use than my good old N9.
you find it better than n9 in summary?
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Originally Posted by aegis View Post
I find it a little hypocritical that commercial plugins are getting implemented before open standards when we had that furore over ExFAT.
Ahhh, but ExFAT is Microsoft. That name alone makes some people see red. Other commercial standards - not so much.
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Originally Posted by pichlo View Post
Ahhh, but ExFAT is Microsoft. That name alone makes some people see red. Other commercial standards - not so much.
but is not good to Mark some brand and not others. for me are the same. they also want to achive their aims and who can blame them? its an usual company as many others, sure open source standard should have priority

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ExFAT is not only Microsoft, but ExFat is also requiring royalty payments.
Dropbox OTOH does not require royalty payments.
Anyway, weren't the remainig CalDAV issues supposed to be fixed with 1.1.9?
If not, you should be more precise on what's broken.
Ah, isn't the CalDAV implementation open-source, btw? Volunteers?
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ok i admit my fault didnt know it...thanks
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Originally Posted by pycage View Post
Ah, isn't the CalDAV implementation open-source, btw? Volunteers?
That was exactly aegis's point. Somehow there are volunteers for DropBox and OneDrive but not for open-source CalDAV. After all the noise we've heard in this thread alone about the goodness of open source.

Regarding issues, I have no idea. I don't use any of them. Local storage is the king in my household.

Oh, and thanks for the royalty reminder. I've nearly forgotten about that.

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