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Jolla's co founder and chairman Antti Saarnio is doing a speak Slush 2015 on thursday 11:40-12:00!

Jolla: the impossible story continues
Antti Saarnio Silver stage
Jolla shares the next chapter in their journey.

My girlfriend has a pass to get in.. Little bit jelly..

For me(and you who is somehow not able to participate actual event) hopefully here will be live stream:
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Last edited by eekkelund; 2015-11-09 at 21:04.

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Dave999's Avatar
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have to say I lost interests in what he says. Action is needed now!
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

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Let her come back with answers

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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
have to say I lost interests in what he says. Action is needed now!
Yeah it seems the vocal minority feel the same.

Given the vague promise that we would see a new phone before the end of 2015, if they don't announce one at SLUSH this week I do wonder how many people will give up on Jolla altogether.
SirenSong v0.5
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For sure if they talk, they gonna announce something and I am pretty sure that it is a phone but depends if they announce a phone from Jolla (the hw company exists now?) or only confirm the phone from Intex possibly coming to Europe also...
at least something in the code:
but L500D does not seem that informative to me

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Yeah if they don't announce something interesting hardware-wise on Thursday, I may have to bow out of my 6-year journey through the Maemo dreamscape.

The Jolla I have now has always been a bit of a disappointment hardware-wise coming from the N9, which for me is still the pinnacle of the "family", although let down for today's usage by service-rot and lack of misc bits and bobs. I realise the J1 was a bit of a compromise and a last-minute rush through an ODM. I hope that the J2, having been hopefully crafted with plenty of time, will be the full realisation of what Jolla actually wants to build with a phone.

We shall see.

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Oh good you people still hopes for a new Jolla Phone? CMON! ain't gonna happen!!!
Keep safe and healthy

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If it's of any interest the Jolla developers seem to be referring to the current phone as "Jolla 1" in the git repo. I hope there is a Jolla 2, but for me it's not important. I'm waiting on software not new hardware.

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At the moment it seems that other manufacturers will release Sailfish phones before Jolla. Intex is likely to be first. Puzzle Phone is possible candidate, rumour has it that Jolla is helping with the porting. Yota phone has announced that they switch to Sailfish, but hard to say how it goes now that the ownership is slipping from Russia to China.

As the Jolla has not yet any other (official) than their own hardware running Sailfish, they might try to keep up momentum and interest by releasing yet another gadget with Sailfish. We now have a phone and a tablet (of the latter there are enough specimens to prove that is not just my daydream, now I just dream about receiving mine).

Maybe the next Jolla hardware is not a phone, but a drone, or a blueray player or perhaps a WiFi router running Sailfish instead of DD-WRT. Or perhaps a super computer? That would surely knock my socks off.

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Originally Posted by P@t View Post
if they announce a phone from Jolla (the hw company exists now?)
The hw company has already existed for a year: Jolla Mobile Oy, Business ID 2644312-5, ID given 09/26/2014, Main line of business: Manufacture of communication equipment (26300).

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jolla bolla

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