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javispedro's Avatar
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I am not sure if you can install programs on the Time using pebbled these days.

But still, if these programs have a javascript side, and all programs that require an internet connection do, then you must also install them on the Jolla.

Even if the Jolla fails to actually upload them to the watch. (which is the reason you may need a different Android device to finish uploading).

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Heavily revised post:


That actually works, although the way to do it isn't entirely obvious.

After a factory reset I had to pair the watch to the Android Tablet first to get the watch to 'initialise' at all.

Then I paired the watch to the Jolla, and installed the problematic apps. Then I paired the watch to the tablet again, and waited approximately 1/2 an hour. Eventually, the apps will appear in the list of installed apps on the tablet and on the watch, and opening them will upload them to the watch.

Now to see if any of them actually work...

edit - Great stuff, they all seem to work except Checklists for Trello, where you need to give it the right token to allow it to log in to your Trello account. I'll try to find that on my tablet then copy it across to the Jolla if I can figure out where it is / belongs.


Last edited by MikeHG; 2015-12-04 at 17:18.
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Since I don't have an Android device, it was impossible to re-install apps, as the Pebble store was persistent I already added them. An Android VM in virtual box didn't help. While I could successfully pair the Pebble to the Pebble app in the VM, the Pebble app refused to proceed as neither WLAN nor mobile data is available in the VM. Ethernet works just fine, but the app is a bit st00pid to test for that.

The solution however is pretty easy, once it dawned on me: just boot Android on a laptop. I used an x86 .iso, put it on my Jolla, connect it to the laptop by USB ("charging only mode"), and using ISODrive I could then easily boot Android without even installing the thing. Everything Just Works on my old laptop, including the touch screen. Yay Linux I installed the Pebble app, removed all watch apps, and reinstall them later on the Jolla using Pebbled.

TL;DR: if you don't have an Android device, remember a normal laptop or PC with wifi can become an Android device

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Smart! I wouldn't have thought of that.
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Smokku was working on improving the app drawer so it could cope with deletions and even upgrades. How far did you get with that?

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Originally Posted by MikeHG View Post
This sounds awesome - will be jumping on the Time Steel train as soon as notifications work.

Has anyone looked into making a Saera app?
I hope to add Pebble support to Saera as soon as my Pebble arrives.

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Hum, currently I have no Android device and a half-working bluetooth on my computer :/. Installing stuff on my PT seems compromised.

But still, thank you about the update
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Anybody knows how to upgrade to a new Firmware on Pebble classic?

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Originally Posted by matimilko View Post
Anybody knows how to upgrade to a new Firmware on Pebble classic?
- When your watch is connected, press the button with your Watch id.
- On the page listing installed applications there is an "Info" button - press it.
- You will see the information about your watch, listing firmware versions among others.
- If the latest available firmware is more recent than your current firmware, you will see "Upgrade Firmware" button below.
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