Poll: Did you order a Jolla tablet?
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Did you order a Jolla tablet?

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velox's Avatar
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Originally Posted by pichlo View Post
How do you imagine that to work though. That would mean supporting the hardware adaptation for a host of devices, with potential support issues. Would paying the manufacturer to finish the 12k tablets not come out cheaper in the long run?
Giving away licenses with support contracts is not necessarily the same as only giving away licenses… so I wouldn't say it's totally impossible.
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that all "license for a device of your choice" or even selected few is not gonna happen. Unless suddenly all component makers decide to support sailfish. And that also is not gonna happen.
Remember what happened after ST Ericsson pulled out of SoC business. Jolla used N9 as a testing device and still it is not 100% in green. The same goes for Nexus 5.
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Originally Posted by marxian View Post
You should play the ball, instead of the man. Instead of simply taking all of the criticism and shoving it in a pigeonhole marked 'Jolla haterz', you could explain why it is wrong. After all, the last line above undermines your argument, since if people wanted Jolla to fail, then they would also want those sailors to be out of a job.
You take my words too literally. I am not saying that the arguments are wrong. I am just saying at the end that this is easy to criticize especially in the case of Jolla and to find problems with their past behavior.
To me, the current situation is a mix of amateurism, good willingness, doing marketing with poor budget and so on...

However I maintain that some appreciate the sailors, while are now banning Jolla from their shopping list. I guess that the idea is that they can work elsewhere

Originally Posted by marxian View Post
I don't think it's fair to place such a burden on those who have given Jolla money in good faith. A loyal football fan paying for their season ticket may criticise the players without having the skills of Lionel Messi.
Indeed and that is because by paying their season ticket, they have some sort of invested in the club and they hope for a return on investment. It may happen that the season will be crap and they will not get their tablet, err their pleasure fulfilled.

Originally Posted by marxian View Post
Perhaps it is true that some criticism has become less constructive, but that is inevitable while people become increasingly frustrated at the lack of straightforward communication from Jolla. They have basically been playing bulls!t bingo for the last few months over this tablet business.

Disappointment is relative to expectations. Jolla raised those expectations with talk of 'people powered', 'unlike' etc. Nobody expected a perfect product delivered exactly on time. They just don't like being blagged.
Again I agree that expectations were very high.
I would add that Jolla is trying to appear professional to their investors while they still fail at being that professional in true life (and that is for customers). But it is pretty hard to show off with failures when you ask for money
So you need to pretend that everything is alright while you struggle to keep the boat afloat.
Additionally I really believe there was a real chance that the tablet could have been delivered during 2015...

Originally Posted by marxian View Post
Not everybody can be so flippant about losing such money, and you should remember that the crowdfunding goal may not have been reached in the first place without the support of those people.
Yep that is why I wanted to mean a lot of 'me personally'
I am not bashing at people who are disappointed and need the money for something else. That is bad to lose money.
What I mean is that I am not considering that money as lost because for me, this is investment in a better life for a better future
and apparently I will even have something back, either a tablet or 'something else'. I do not know yet but soon...
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Originally Posted by kinggo View Post
that all "license for a device of your choice" or even selected few is not gonna happen. Unless suddenly all component makers decide to support sailfish. And that also is not gonna happen.
Remember what happened after ST Ericsson pulled out of SoC business. Jolla used N9 as a testing device and still it is not 100% in green. The same goes for Nexus 5.
This is understandable, as N9 didn't have working Android drivers for everything (at least not in the open).
Technically, there are three determinate states the cat could be in: Alive, Dead, and Bloody Furious.
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Originally Posted by marxian View Post
They have basically been playing bulls!t bingo for the last few months over this tablet business.
No, its just that we are not gratefull enough
Look, i play ******** bingo with jollas blog posts since a long time and thus have a lot of fun when new material arrives

If anybody likes to, come join the party on next blog post or replay some old ones!
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Originally Posted by P@t View Post
Yep that is why I wanted to mean a lot of 'me personally'
I am not bashing at people who are disappointed and need the money for something else. That is bad to lose money.
What I mean is that I am not considering that money as lost because for me, this is investment in a better life for a better future
The problem that we all believe in bright future. I do donate to some indie developers/opensource projects with money, time, support, help, ideas, even few patches.
For me it's something I believe is future too. We live in technology era and exchange of knowledge and cooperation, work with community only boosts progress — open source is the future. Sooner or later.
But on other hand I see how a lot of areas got corrupted (art, media, politics) and i feel like as this is tech era, some companies try to corupt it. After all facebook, google and apple were good at first, also fighting against "big brother". But look where they are today. And i see new companies pop up and they use more and more communities as tool and not cooperate with them. Some of them use opensource and even Linux to sell and promote themselves. Even MS today promotes Linux for Azure. And it really hursts me personally when we fall for those blindly. And I told 1000 times that I would be happy if Jolla prove me wrong, but currently I do not see any direction in cooperation with community, even communication and I do not see a lot of open sourcing, though I do see a lot of talk in PR about it and promises that never fullfilled with another excuse or silence. And it keeps repeating itself. i say something that looks like duck and quacks like duck is a duck!
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Originally Posted by Bundyo View Post
This is understandable, as N9 didn't have working Android drivers for everything (at least not in the open).
What was not working in Nitdroid? i think it was almost fully supported and as sailors are exnokians with some intel and exp, why not do it if few people did port nitdroid almost fully functional?
IRC nick on freenode — ZogG
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Originally Posted by ZogG View Post
What was not working in Nitdroid? i think it was almost fully supported and as sailors are exnokians with some intel and exp, why not do it if few people did port nitdroid almost fully functional?
A community port?

Anyway, Jolla probably had access to fully working Android drivers for N9, however they most likely didn't have the permission to release them.
Technically, there are three determinate states the cat could be in: Alive, Dead, and Bloody Furious.
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Originally Posted by pichlo View Post
Would paying the manufacturer to finish the 12k tablets not come out cheaper in the long run?
It may not be a matter of cheapness. Their relationship with that manufacturer may now be so damaged that they couldn't get any more made.
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Originally Posted by P@t View Post
I am just saying at the end that this is easy to criticize especially in the case of Jolla and to find problems with their past behavior.
"Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it."
"Understanding the past is key to understanding the future."

Whenever I see someone mentioning a problem from Jolla's past, it is never of the kind, "look, Jolla did X". It is always of the kind, "look, Jolla is doing X again, see the pattern?" I see it as a service for people with short or selective memory: "you fell for their bull***** again, maybe you will remember it this time and won't do the next time."

But you are right, it is pointless. Some people enjoy their cognitive bias and no amount of reminding them will change them
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