Poll: Did you order a Jolla tablet?
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Did you order a Jolla tablet?

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Posts: 435 | Thanked: 1,599 times | Joined on Dec 2010
Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
Why do we have to do stuff? Why can't Jolla just refund the card or Paypal via Indiegogo like regular www buissniess. I don't want to give these scam ers my credit card number.
It's been so long everyone's credit cards have expired
Posts: 440 | Thanked: 2,256 times | Joined on Jul 2014
New idea, instead of buying some other Intel Tablet we can still buy JTabs from Taobao.

Hopefully someone useful with a 32gb official JTab can extract the recovery LLVM snapshot for us to use, or maybe we can acquire a suitable image through other means.

At worst we still have to use the HADK to get a sailfish image, but at least we will get free kernel releases from Jolla rather than having to do that work ourselves. It might even trick the store into giving us OTA updates and maybe alien-dalvik support if we're lucky.
SirenSong v0.5
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Originally Posted by r0kk3rz View Post
New idea, instead of buying some other Intel Tablet we can still buy JTabs from Taobao.

Hopefully someone useful with a 32gb official JTab can extract the recovery LLVM snapshot for us to use, or maybe we can acquire a suitable image through other means.

At worst we still have to use the HADK to get a sailfish image, but at least we will get free kernel releases from Jolla rather than having to do that work ourselves. It might even trick the store into giving us OTA updates and maybe alien-dalvik support if we're lucky.
This is a good question, Taobao seem to have up to 2000 units, why instead of refunding, Jolla cannot buy these tablets and send them to us? the price difference is small I think.
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Originally Posted by pagis View Post
This is a good question, Taobao seem to have up to 2000 units, why instead of refunding, Jolla cannot buy these tablets and send them to us? the price difference is small I think.
Money and effort I guess, re-imaging 2k tablets sounds like a big manual job, plus shipping to and from .fi

Given they don't have enough cash to refund everyone fully, I expect they don't have enough money to do this either.

But that doesn't mean that some enterprising DIYer can't get themselves a working sailfish JTab.
SirenSong v0.5
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Delivery news at heise.de
in German (Original vollständig) and
google-english (complete translation)

"Damit liefert Jolla keine 700 Tablets aus, nur ein Bruchteil der Bestellungen: Alleine in den ersten Stunden der Crowdfunding-Kampage 2014 waren über 4000 bezahlte Bestellungen eingegangen, insgesamt ist von 12.000 Vorbestellungen die Rede."

"Thus only a small fraction of the orders of Jolla does not provide 700 tablets,: alone in the first hours of over 4000 paid orders were entered into the Crowdfunding-Kamp age 2014, overall, the speech is 12,000 pre-orders."
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Originally Posted by pagis View Post
This is a good question, Taobao seem to have up to 2000 units, why instead of refunding, Jolla cannot buy these tablets and send them to us? the price difference is small I think.
That would be a recipe for disaster. Imagine if some of these were opened, some were damaged, some were not the spec promised, etc.
Posts: 435 | Thanked: 1,599 times | Joined on Dec 2010
Originally Posted by pagis View Post
This is a good question, Taobao seem to have up to 2000 units, why instead of refunding, Jolla cannot buy these tablets and send them to us? the price difference is small I think.
Imagine jolla paying for all the tablets and asking when delivery will be, and the Chinese guys tell them 'soon', 'around the corner', 'within a year'

I think jolla are **** scared of dealing with them, fearing they might get a little bit of their own medicine!
Posts: 337 | Thanked: 891 times | Joined on Jul 2012 @ Royaume Uni.
I read no mention of any swap deals. I wonder are we to take it that they have nothing of equivalent value to swap? i.e. the phone they're releasing is probably going to retail at $100?
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I can't help but think the components that are not available are in all those unofficial jolla/android tablets for sale. maybe the factory wanted to make some cash back.
Posts: 229 | Thanked: 725 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Permanent cruiser - either water- or motorways
Did actually someone order one of these tablets from China received it in real and flashed it successfully with sfos?
If yes we can all spend our refund in buying them .... again ;-)
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moral hazard, paypal refund

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