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Seems the end of Yappari! i need to find a successor of N900!
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I too have been thinking of another phone. Not easy to find another with open source but I would want something with 32gb or above and not too big, above 1gb RAM and maybe with linux but these days I have become lazy and not have much time to play around. I was thinking of HTC one M8, but seems larger and have not fully read about it just checked specs online. if you have an idea please share.
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well, basically not much to choose from is left nowadays. iOS would be like the stark opposite of maemo. WP never had true value and is now deemed to rest in oblivion with the latest move done by Microsoft. sailfish, obviously, would be the closest choice as a maemo-successor; however, if you want to be more 'conform and compatible' to the 'mass', android isn't too bad either. most phones are capable to run an aosp-derivat. for what I know, cyanogen is entirely open source; the google-apps would be closed source but it is not mandatory to install them. for me, the true distinction to the 'rest of the world' has always been the neat keyboard and the resistive touchscreen. I'm afraid, nothing similar is available (why??). however, a small BT-keyboard may be able to provide some 'relieve'. (just my two cents regarding a follow-up phone)
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I miss a working Yappari, but that has not caused me to start thinking about something else. N900 is more than a WhatsApp device to me.

Anyway, imho this talk about alternative OSes is OT in this thread. There's other subforums and threads for it.

(when my N900 dies, and when I cannot find another, I'll probably move to Tizen, Jolla, or Android, depending on my financial situation at the time)

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I know it's probably not a solution for most of you (maybe none of you), but I was thinking of going back to a dual boot Maemo/NITdroid setup just to check my WhatsApp messages a couple of time a day.

Of course it's not a great solution as I wouldn't be getting my messages live since I'd still be using Maemo most of the time. But it could be enough for me.

So my question is, does anyone know if WhatsApp still works in NITDroid? Haven't used NITDroid for years.
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Originally Posted by deanrc View Post
So my question is, does anyone know if WhatsApp still works in NITDroid?
I do think so.

I'm also thinking about installing NITDroid again.

Last edited by jellyroll; 2016-06-04 at 22:28.

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Also keep in mind that Nitdroid lacks calling functionality as you will have to switch to Maemo to make a phone call which is a pain if you use N900 as a main phone.

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Hi guys, everyone

I am so very sorry to inform all of you that Yappari won't be back.

I've been very lucky to meet several people who have helped me, letting me borrow their numbers to continue developing, even if that meant getting banned by Whatsapp. I'd like to specifically thank Sicelo, KotCzarny, bmxerv and others.

The situation right now is that I can't continue development at all. Last number I got from bmxerv has lasted only two days without being banned.

I don't know the reason for these bans, nor how do they detect that I'm not using the official client. Even if I knew this, I still haven't been able to implement Signal (previously called axolotl) protocol, which is behind the encryption system.

Alternative implementations, such as are suffering from the same kind of issues lately, with still no answer.

So... this is it. I simply don't have the knowledge that is required to make this thing work, and to be honest, I even doubt that right now anyone has it at all.

As of today, I simply think that it's unreasonable to keep asking friends for their numbers just to get them banned in a matter of hours for no real benefit at all, as testing is impossible with so little time.

I also don't think it's reasonable to keep you guys from looking for an alternative just because you trust that Yappari is gonna work again soon. Sadly, that's not going to happen.

Maybe, some time in the future, someone discovers what must be done in order to avoid these bans. If that happens, I assure you I'd be back to implement that into Yappari and try again to make it work with new encryption system, but that doesn't seem like something that is gonna happen soon.

To be honest, In my opinion, that's simply not gonna happen either. As soon as 2016 ends, Whatsapp will stop supporting S40 phones, from which most of us are able to reverse engineer the protocol. After that, Whatsapp will be able to completely change its protocol without us being able to take the slightest peak at it. And I'm sure sure they will.

So... that's it. I don't know what else to say nor how to lessen this loss for all of you. Just wanted to say that, like Sicelo said above, the N900 has always been much more than simply a Whatsapp device. It's still a great hacker's device, a great phone (yeah, simply it's sound quality is thousands of times ahead of any other smartphone I've used) and a great small full fledged computer. Even if I get myself a whatsapp compatible device, I won't stop using the N900 until it dies and I won't be leaving this great community until it fades away with last N900 that keeps working years from now.
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Posts: 23 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Sep 2011 @ Asunción, Paraguay, South America
ceene, I understand. Don't worry. I'm so grateful for all your efforts. You will always have my respect and gratitude for your titanic efforts.

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ceene, Big Thanks for your effort! Yappari was great app as long it worked.

BTW I think so WhatsApp could recognize "wrong" phone model by the IMEI code. I don't know about WA protocol, but I think so I have seen the IMEI code in some official WhatsApp client's configuration menu. I don't either know if Yappari will send the IMEI code to WhatsApp server. Just guessing.

whatsapp, yappari

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