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Originally Posted by peterleinchen View Post
juiceme, did you not see the smiley?
I am pretty sure it is still not there!

Besides a working text selection ( and cursors )?
That was the worst possible troll.

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Originally Posted by Zeta View Post
Overall, I find Sailfish 2.0 less usable than the venerable Sailfish 1.0.
What a shame. That was such a good post, only to be spoilt with this.

Originally Posted by RealJohnGalt View Post
That was the worst possible troll.
My apologies, the troll was unintentional. I read this...

Originally Posted by pycage View Post
I begin to like the stock browser. Aurajoki made it really good actually. Just small fixes here and there, but it makes a great difference.
..and my brain somehow automatically inserted the word "missing" between "fixes" and "here". Sorry about the confusion.
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Ahh, too bad.
I assumed too much, I thought the smiley was there 'cos you were so happy that selection in browser had at last been implemented.

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Originally Posted by pichlo View Post
What a shame. That was such a good post, only to be spoilt with this.
Not to say it was perfect in 1.0, far from that due to a lot of missing pieces. Despite lot of improvements in a lot of places, I still think that from the user experience point of view, pieces were more at the right place in 1.0 than in 2.0.
Active covers (sliding and not small buttons), events view (the central piece of a smartphone, that can't be accessed directly now), cover of killed apps in the way letting the user thing it is there but it is not, volume impossible to anticipate (now there is no way to know if you change the ring volume or the media volume when pressing the buttons, depending of if a media app is running or not).

I see a lot of improvements in the different parts of sailfish, from release to release, I just find the main UX changes done for the 2.0 change getting in my way to use it.

Different users will have different views on this obviously. Looks like you prefer this way of the UX.

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Originally Posted by Zeta View Post
Not to say it was perfect in 1.0, far from that due to a lot of missing pieces. Despite lot of improvements in a lot of places, I still think that from the user experience point of view, pieces were more at the right place in 1.0 than in 2.0.
Active covers (sliding and not small buttons), events view (the central piece of a smartphone, that can't be accessed directly now), cover of killed apps in the way letting the user thing it is there but it is not, volume impossible to anticipate (now there is no way to know if you change the ring volume or the media volume when pressing the buttons, depending of if a media app is running or not).

I see a lot of improvements in the different parts of sailfish, from release to release, I just find the main UX changes done for the 2.0 change getting in my way to use it.

Different users will have different views on this obviously. Looks like you prefer this way of the UX.
Yes you can.

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Originally Posted by MisterMaster View Post
Yes you can.

I won't comment on active covers. Never used them. Too confusing. If anything, buttons feel more intuitive and less confusing ("hang on, was it left or right swipe to do X? ahh, it's buttons now, that makes it much clearer") but I guess to each his own.

Events view is just as accessible as ever. The only difference is that it is a horizontal swipe instead of vertical. The extra benefit is that the launcher is now also accessible all the time.

Unlike you, I love the context dependent volume buttons. Regulating the ringtone volume is now so much easier. I use that about 3x more frequently than using them for media volume so I find it very useful. To regulate media volume, all you need to do is switch back to the media playing app and hey presto! My only objection is that the browser is also considered a media playing app. There were a dozen occasions I wanted to change the ringtone volume when the browser was the active app and it changed the wrong one. Luckily, it tells you that.

I agree on the killed apps' covers. Killed should mean killed. If they insist on keeping the covers, they should make it clear that they are killed. The current method is too subtle. A big skull and cross bones over the cover or turn the cover to faded grey scale. And for heavens' sake, save the killed app's status!

Another thing you did not mention is the pulley menus. The old grafics were much better.

Lastly, swipe from the top to lock the screen is now two steps. Not the end of the world but still not as good as it used to be. It seems like they are really trying to push their "multiple ambiences" idea but honestly, do people really use them?
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Originally Posted by pichlo View Post
It seems like they are really trying to push their "multiple ambiences" idea but honestly, do people really use them?
I would if they finally made them work the way they have been marketed for the past three years. At least now it's possible to instantly change the volume and the ringtones in use by changing the ambience, but it takes two seconds to manually change the volume by holding down on either volume button which is easier than looking through the list of ambiences and trying to figure out which one does what again, and who changes their ringtone more often than never? Once ambiences can enable/disable Wi-Fi, mobile data, ... and load up different sets of applications (as I seem to remember from the tablet promo videos, although it would probably only work well for devices with a lot of RAM), they'll be actually useful. It's nice to change all the colours sometimes, but there's no point in doing that all day.

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I noticed also about a small bug in terminal.. The buttons Home and End not work anymore. The Home button type H letter and End button type F letter instead to jump to begging or to the end.

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Originally Posted by Schturman View Post
I noticed also about a small bug in terminal.. The buttons Home and End not work anymore. The Home button type H letter and End button type F letter instead to jump to begging or to the end.
wow, really looks like a bug. it deserves to be filled to tjc!
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coderus, why do you do that
You could be the competent, respected star of the "scene" for all you accomplish alone but here you are again, jokeing on someones cost, trying to raise yourself by pointing out other peoples shortcomings.
It is not necessary, it's juvenile, you do not need that.

On the matter, i will continue to post small bugs i find or that are reported here and missing on tjc, because i strongly think it helps jolla to have the full picture.
I never got criticised by sailors for doing that.
No its the opposite, i got positive feedback on many occasions.

I do not understand your criticism at all, please explain.
All bug reports are properly tagged and i update and close if they are solved, so why do you imply people like me spam tjc?

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