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Originally Posted by Navi View Post
On a tangent, double posting is all right here?
I don't generally make a habit of it.
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Flash was once upon a time, a nice small footprint tool...until Adobe bought it. Now it's as much of a pig, or more so, then a simple thing like Adobe Reader. Personally I have blocked Flash for a number of years now. Just say no to the plug-in by disabling it until there is a real need for it on a site I wish to use.

From what I have seen of Silverlight, it's OK...for now. Still not a fan of this sort of forced hardware overhead. For years my single biggest complaint about MS AND Apple is they force hardware upgrades by adding the bloat. This is to keep the ChipCo's happy just read up on the recent revelations about the emails between MS folks about how they bent over for Intel but hosed HP.

Sure nice shiny new things are pretty...but let's see it run first then decide. On my PC I have run into a couple sites that use Silverlight and recall they actually seemed fine. It's only once the parasitic AdCo's start pushing content we cannot stop/block w/o either a hassle or 3rd party plug-ins, then it will be time to blow off Silverlight.

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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
That's what Adobe is doing NOW with Flash. I'm very sure they want to-- and here you are tacitly defending their status quo.
Don't misunderstand, I'm not defending or endorsing flash. Flash is just as bad as silverlight for bloat and proprietariness. The only redeeming factor with flash verses silverlight is that Adobe still has at least some motivation to continue supporting it on other platforms since they don't (yet) have their own OS.
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well, theres always adblock...
well, as i see it, the two can coexist, easily, almost cartel kinda easy, but if it becomes a competition, the cybercat is more wrong i guess...
also i missed the own OS thing... confused?

its not as bad...
but when you can, just edit...
(double posting)

Last edited by asqwasqw; 2008-03-05 at 06:15.
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This is in reply to most of the post that thinks microsoft is out to get rid of competitors.

When did trying to get rid of the competition become a bad thing....
microsoft just happens to be good at it.
If anything adobe should looks at this and work harder at making Flash what people want to use and not this thing called Silverlight.

and for those of you who are saying to yourself but microsoft cheats at trying to get rid of the competition.
well I only have one answer to that
If you are not cheating you are not trying to win.
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Originally Posted by ARJWright View Post
MS built it as a competitor to AIR and Java. The latter is one that suffers from a ton of brokenness and performance issues on EVERY platform.
I'm guessing that you speak as someone with only desktop/GUI java experience. As an experienced server-side Java developer, I whole-heartedly agree that in 99% of cases Java sucks the big one for building GUI applications. The whole concept of cross-platform GUI was a ridiculous one. However, for servers and major deployments, it is very reliable, scalable and high performance. There's a good reason why most financial institutions use Java for all their systems.

c/c++ have their place, PHP and python have their place, as much as I hate to admit it even M$ .Not has its place. It really winds me up when people say "Java is sh1t" with only a very limited experience of its uses.

sorry. again.
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Originally Posted by pipeline View Post
Great news. So we have flash, and silverlight and possibly java coming to the IT. All three currently proprietary.
Java isn't proprietary - it's now open source. Even before then there was an open process for dealing with changes to the platform and mature re-implementations.

"Microsoft Silverlight availability for Nokia Series 40 devices and Nokia Internet tablets will be confirmed later."

Doesnt sound like this is necessarily certain to me.
Agreed, the ITOS support is effectively a footnote - I believe they want to do it; but until we see more information (possibly including Novell as technology provider) it could be one of those "let's do a tie up for these platforms, oh; and we've got this little thing over here too" things, which gets quietly forgotten later on.


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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
I can understand your sentiment, but look at it this way: more support for the tablets. More value.

And enjoy the irony of Microsoft embracing a competing OS and platform.
Ahh, irony:
Mitch Thompson, Helotes, TX USA
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Originally Posted by wazd View Post
OSS fanboism is bad thing, guys. Microsoft stifled the developement? Aw come on! Even now newbie user CAN NOT use Linux. No, he can't. And you're talking about 8 years ago! MS brought PC's to your home. And I'm very thankful for that.
Actually, my first Personal Computer (PC is not a synonym for MS) was an Amiga 2000, in 1988. A very personal, useful computer, which I didn't give up until 2000, when I switched to x86 running RedHat 4.3. I also had a Digital Alpha workstation running RedHat.
Mitch Thompson, Helotes, TX USA
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