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Posts: 75 | Thanked: 82 times | Joined on Feb 2008 @ Silicon Valley
I've been really enjoying Video Center and catching up with geek brief tv. With a baby at home, I'm not able to enjoy all the video podcasts I'm used to viewing on my TiVo. TiVo-to-go content plays very nicely on my N810 without any issues.

I'm needing my FastLaneDaily fix and have attempted to use every feed they have on their homepage, but every single feed has videos that are choppy and skip around; completely unplayable. I then tried another site found in a search here ( that aggregates multiple feeds, yet all transportation videos I downloaded from their feeds also have the same playback issues.

So has anyone been able to find a feed that has playable videos on a N8*0? Especially ones for motor heads? The feeds are easy to find, playable ones are not!

Or is my only option to use bloatware iTurdes to download podcasts, then transcode like I'm doing for photoshoptv mov files?


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