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Feathers McGraw's Avatar
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I received a newsletter from Jolla this morning, containing a few interesting things:

What do you think?

In the SailfishOS 3.0 video they seem to have focused a lot on their regional licensing strategy, which doesn't really affect the product for people like us directly but may mean we see Sailfish on some new devices.

However, there were a few teasers for improved features like:
  • App Access Control - presumably this is similar to LineageOS's granular control for app access to certain APIs. Definitely interesting, does anyone know more?
  • Sailfish Device Manager - is this a "remote wipe" feature for corporate environments? I understand why it's useful to some people/organisations, but I'm not sure how I feel about it myself.
  • Some kind of payment service integration (was this cryptocurrency related?)
  • Fingerprint scanner support (not new I think but presumably improved)
  • VPN (already exists but presumably improved for their new business/government focus)

Feature phones don't interest me much (if it's a feature phone, why does it matter which OS it runs?). Does anyone find this interesting?

And then there's the Gemini PDA, which is definitely a cool bit of kit and seems to be shipping now. Is anyone planning on getting one?
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Last edited by Feathers McGraw; 2018-03-29 at 20:41. Reason: formatting

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I'd love to get a Gemini! And it'd be awesome to have SFOS on the Gemini.

But I recently got a xperia, so i am reluctant.
What is the support of SFOS for the gemini? Does it cover 4g?
Does it work well? We don't know yet. And the (only?) alternative to it is android, which I do not want to use.
So I decided to wait.
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About the feature phones I think that what it make so amazing, is that is able to run some apps that are exclusive for Android and iOS as Whatsapp for example. It used to work on Nokia feature phones, but since stopped the support for those devices, there were not alternatives until now, thanks for Sailfish OS.

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Originally Posted by meloferz View Post
About the feature phones I think that what it make so amazing, is that is able to run some apps that are exclusive for Android and iOS as Whatsapp for example. It used to work on Nokia feature phones, but since stopped the support for those devices, there were not alternatives until now, thanks for Sailfish OS.

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Nokia feature phones were running android apps? When?
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Originally Posted by tortoisedoc View Post
Nokia feature phones were running android apps? When?
That was not how I read meloferz's post. My reading was that Nokia feature phones had some features (he gave Whatsit as an example) that if you wanted to have otherwise, you would have to get an Android phone.

I myself welcome the option of a 4G feature phone. A small device with a numeric keypad that fits nicely in a pocket, for calls and texts only. If it can be used as a WiFi hotspot, then I will snatch it immediately.
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Is running WhatsApp on top of aliendalvik on top of SFOS on a feature phone, really lighter on resources than just putting Android on the phone? Doesn't Android have configurations for low power handsets and feature phones?

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Originally Posted by pichlo View Post
I myself welcome the option of a 4G feature phone. A small device with a numeric keypad that fits nicely in a pocket, for calls and texts only. If it can be used as a WiFi hotspot, then I will snatch it immediately.
Do they not exist already? If they don't then that's fair enough I guess. The reason I thought the news was strange was that I don't see any benefit of a SFOS dumb phone over an Android dumb phone (because all the things that are good about SFOS as I see it are not relevant if you aren't using it as a Linux device in your pocket).

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Originally Posted by Feathers McGraw View Post
(because all the things that are good about SFOS as I see it are not relevant if you aren't using it as a Linux device in your pocket).
May be Sailfish OS 3 has many new things we have not yet seen!

Besides not all people need a Linux device in their pocket, rather a reliable phone to make calls and text (with insane battery life?). Having a decent email client, calendar, VOLTE and some common android instant messengers which would otherwise need a "Smartphone" is certainly a plus.

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Originally Posted by Feathers McGraw View Post
Do they not exist already?
Not that I know. If someone could correct me, I would be eternally grateful.
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