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Originally Posted by juiceme View Post
OK, makes sense. I have not ever met that bug since I never delete any messages; the phone is my memory and I won't delete stuff from my brain needlessly, either
Seriously? I am quite the opposite. Never keep anything I don't absolutely have to. In biological or electronic memory, or in material stuff. A message still in my inbox is a sub-conscious signal, "you still have to deal with this". A deleted message = "you have dealt with it, you can finally relax".
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Originally Posted by lantern View Post
What you even store bank sms codes ? Or emergency services alerts about unusual weather conditions?

I don't see the point, why waste energy deleting stuff?

In my inbox, I rarely open half the rubbish I get, I just look at the headers in Thunderbird and move stuff that's important and leave the rest.

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Originally Posted by lantern View Post
except it has a nasty bug in Messages app, jerking when trying to delete a message

PS 3.0.3 is the same ole' same ole' as are previous releases. Didn't have anything bad with my X for 1.5 years from the start.
You mean an SMS message, right? Is this just on the XA2 or other particular phone, because I don't think I've seen it on my Xperia X. What specifically is the experience?

I do regularly clean up the messages, so I delete a few each week -- I think I must be in a middle ground of deleting messages. I keep most from loved ones. And if I had a boss texting me orders, I'd for sure keep those to "ensure quality of service" as they say when a business is recording your phone call. But I usually only keep at most the latest text from the pharmacy telling me to pick up my dog's antidepressant or whatever just to know when I last did that.

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Originally Posted by robthebold View Post
What specifically is the experience?
Hold your finger on the message in the thread to bring the menu and it jerks and your finger is in between the options. Hold it again, it appears as it should. specifically.
PS I'm on X dual.

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Originally Posted by lantern View Post
Originally Posted by juiceme View Post
OK, makes sense. I have not ever met that bug since I never delete any messages; the phone is my memory and I won't delete stuff from my brain needlessly, either
What you even store bank sms codes ? Or emergency services alerts about unusual weather conditions?
Well, You are correct there; I do have some used bank SMS verification messages in my phone, never bothered to remove those.
As for those notification thingies for emergencies, wo don't have those in Finland I think.
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Originally Posted by lantern View Post
Hold your finger on the message in the thread to bring the menu and it jerks and your finger is in between the options. Hold it again, it appears as it should. specifically.
PS I'm on X dual.
OK this must be something related to your device or something installed on it; I just tested that and on my XperiaX there's no "jittering", the menu appears on long press and it is rock solid.
Dave999: Meateo balloons. What’s so special with em? Is it a ballon?

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Originally Posted by lantern View Post
Hold your finger on the message in the thread to bring the menu and it jerks and your finger is in between the options. Hold it again, it appears as it should. specifically.
PS I'm on X dual.
I can't reproduce this. The closest I can do is to delete a newer (lower) message and wait till the remorse timer is almost up, then long press to delete an older message that I've timed just so the timer expires when the menu appears. At that point the newer message disappears and the menu slides out from under my finger as the list collapses to fill the void. But that doesn't quite sound like the case you've described. Weird.

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I don't know then. It appeared after updating to and disappeared after I've updated to

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I still have that weird battery drain with and bluetooth / wifi, even on a freshly flashed SFOS (soft-bricked the device on a downgrade attempt). So I guess there is nothing I can do than staying on 3.0.2 for the moment. I'll try again once all apps are adapted to 3.0.3, but will probably have to wait until Jolla finds and fixes the issue. They are tracking my TJC thread, so lets hope that will be soon

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peterleinchen's Avatar
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Originally Posted by juiceme View Post
The current Oulanka is the stablest release ever, I have not run into single problem since installing it ...]
Please check:
du -xsh /var/lib/connman
for disk usage!

It cost me 100MB from precious rootfs on JollaC (which is now freshly recovered from a failed upgrade: so stay on ).
At least now I enlarged and have 3.6G for rootfs.

My XA2 is still lingering with Android as my N900 died again the 'all telephony functions disabled' modem death. And I just cannot deal with the people app not showing all vcf standard fields , a feature from Symbian times
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