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@ From my Gabriola Island hermitage, near the Edge of the World
I'm currently playing with Garnet in an emulated N800 (see thread here) so I can learn more about how it works, and unearth any interesting "tricks" it can do.
I've made some progress, but am somewhat held back by a lack of general information and resources about how GVM works internally.
There are a few (understandably) hesitant threads floating around here talking about availability of GVM in general. As everyone probably knows, it disappeared off the website a long time ago. That's one significant part of my difficulty, and I'd appreciate PMs in this regard
The other thing I'm a bit intimidated about with is how gvmlauncher and gvm talk to each other. The closest I've come thus far is this thread talking about gras-client, which is very interesting. If anyone happens to know more than is documented in that thread, please do let me know, either in this thread (if you have general info that may benefit others) or via PM (for protocol discussion and similar).
While you're here, I wanted to note something tangentially related that I am very interested to learn more about.
Anybody who poked around with this stuff back in the day may vaguely recall that the gvm_dev_kit included a Windows emulator called Janeiro, which basically ran Garnet on top of armel linux - the exact same scenario as what the Maemo version does.
Well, apparently Cobalt was ported to Janeiro too (incidentally without Linux underneath). I learned about this in this tiny reddit thread while hunting around for old URLs.
Any information or leads you may have about this (and similarly-interesting subjects) would be greatly appreciated, either as a comment or (if your response is a few megabytes long, for whatever reason) a PM.
(I get the impression the website had a lot of interesting things on it back in the day. I was sadly never able to download many of them when they were available.)
Note regarding the initial few comments below - my original approach with this thread didn't take into account the legal responsibilities this (official) forum cannot cast aside with regards to software licensing and distribution. This is what caused the appropriately freaked-out response, and my initial "woops" and temporary deletion.
After the followup and encouragement (see further down), I currently figure it's less noisy to edit this post instead of leaving it in limbo and making yet another.
Last edited by i336_; 2019-06-20 at 05:57.