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, 06:43
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, 07:47
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@ Estonia
I still maintain that the best search tool would be a series of input fields:
Country: ___________________
City: ______________________
Street: ____________________
House No.: _________________
Optionally, the next fields would be hidden until the previous level has been entered. So, for example, if one enters a postcode in the City field, the Street does not need to show up at all. And in some cases, neither does House No.
, 08:39
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, 20:24
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@ Estonia
, 17:46
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@ Estonia
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, 18:00
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Over some period of time (interrupted by other projects), new release is out: 1.27.0
Pure Maps can now prevent device from sleeping while allowing you to switch off the screen. Again, you have to enable it in Preferences/Devices. This allows you to (finally!) use Pure Maps for navigation while keeping the phone in your pocket. It will keep GPS positioning up to date and can give instructions by voice. That was requested a while ago and is finally done.
, 20:36
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@ Enschede, The Netherlands
Please check it not in Pure Maps, but on . If you don't find an address, try to go there on a map by scrolling / zooming and check whether the corresponding building has its number entered.
In general, Pure Maps is using backends that do support address-based geocoding. I don't know which backend you were using, but the currently used geocoders ones are all based on OSM. OSM coverage varies by country, in some places it's better and in some places not so good. For example, in Estonia, most of the times I get address hits using OSM Scout Server.
In case of OSM Scout Server, there are surely cases which don't work even if data is on map. Would love to develop it further, but other projects are on the way and with the global lock-down, somehow, amount of free time has reduced significantly.