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nonsuch's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Maemish View Post
Netsurf, Iceweasel
How did you install these?

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Both through Easy Debian. If you have a setting to show 10 post of thread per page I think if you check through the last ten pages of Easy Debbie thread you will find instructions how to install Netsurf 3.8 too. Iceweasel comes preinstalled with the image. There is in this forum also instructions to run kali as chroot and with that I think biketool has some working browsers.

Here are juiceme made instructions for jessie 3.8 but more info in the end of the Easy debbie thread.

For me with the image installed you first have to groupadd crontab to be able to update and install.

I suggest you overclock and have swappolude ifyou use chrooted image. Netsurf is good for reading news sites. Extremely fast.

Chromium 57 also through ED (Easy Debbie).
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Last edited by Maemish; 2020-01-27 at 22:11.

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nonsuch's Avatar
Posts: 584 | Thanked: 1,550 times | Joined on Sep 2019
^ Thanks.
Netsurf is working well. Swappolube is installed.

I think you also had the problem of MyDocs becoming read-only even after running closechroot? What to do about that?
It's not actually read-only, but permissions look like this:
~/MyDocs $ ls -al
drwxrwxrwx   10 user     root        65536 Jan 29 09:24 .
drwxr-xr-x   44 user     users        4096 Jan 29 09:22 ..
-rwxrwxrwx    1 user     root       217047 Mar 30  2010 .VolumeIcon.icns
drwxrwxrwx    3 user     root        65536 Jan 27 05:23 .apt-archive-cache
drwxrwxrwx    3 user     root        65536 Jan 29 09:22 .documents
drwxrwxrwx    2 user     root        65536 Mar 30  2010 .images
-rwxrwxrwx    1 user     root       311470 Mar 30  2010 .n900.ico
-rwxrwxrwx    1 user     root          217 Mar 30  2010 .qf
drwxrwxrwx    4 user     root        65536 Jan 27 09:42 .sounds
drwxrwxrwx    2 user     root        65536 Jan 27 09:42 .videos
drwxrwxrwx    2 user     root        65536 Jan 27 17:39 DCIM
-rwxrwxrwx    1 user     root    2147483648 Jan 27 23:04 debian_jessie2sulu_armhf.img
I'm pretty sure it didn't used to be like this... or am I losing it from too much hacking?

Last edited by nonsuch; 2020-01-29 at 07:28.

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There are instructions in ED thread/wiki about what you have to do to enable settings to stick. It has some chmod or chown stuff which I do not really understand at all. If you find the correct way I would like to know. Previously I had used in debian chroot the codes I gave in my Chromium 57 thread (which is a mess) and after I used them I think I got these problems with saving anything to /var. I have to put warning there. Still have my Chromium working (the package is not anymore found online so I have to edit that too in the thread or take the whole thread away).
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I have chat with sulu who made the ED and has made the images. He was supposed to make a new jessie image but it seems he doesn't have time for it at the moment. I think it was supposed to have updated Midori and netsurf 3.8 ready in the image. That would be cool.
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Originally Posted by Maemish View Post
On TMO micro-b. It is like a must. TMO has to work with the default browser. Otherwise I may use Opera, Netsurf, Iceweasel and now trying again optimize the Chromium 57.
Keeping Micro-B for the
- "swirl to zoom" proof of Smartphone Concept 2009-10.
A great way to zoom and to me more intuitive on small display.
Pity it did not work system wide for example in foto's.
-opening many Windows in taks manager always looked more impressive.

Just enjoying the look of it. When I first had my N900 I surfed the net on it like there was no tomorrow and until it crawled down to actual snail speed and webpages would show checkered boxes.

Now I learned that even on modern devices we can't expect multitasking like I was anticipating for N900 successor.
Nothing much to ad apart from nostalgia but very useful question. Even

Today Android users are not allowed to remove built in presents such as Google and Facebook. Think that would involve more impossible work than what is suggested above even with the risk of having to revert to a backup after uninstall all

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Have to say nonsuch that after I used your list now to uninstall stuff this device is fast like a thought. I have overcloked and set swappolube and no transitions and it has been much faster than the stock settings but now this device is fast!!!<br />
<br />
Tried Maemo Leste couple of days and it really needs a lot to do to be compared to this. I believe it can be made much faster also than what it is now.

Last edited by Maemish; 2020-09-14 at 04:19.

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