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After breaking the system once more made first upgrade with the default repos and then added sid main repo and running upgrade with that. I assume Leste won't boot.

EDIT: After six hours upgrade is in 43%.
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Last edited by Maemish; 2021-12-06 at 19:14.

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So the sid upgrade took about 8 hours. It was interesting that when the upgrade got finished it wiped away from xterm all what had happened and left just like 20 last lines which stated errors. But the device stayed on.

But xterm didn't work anymore and crashes after launch, wifi did not work and said no connections, HAM opened with missing icons and blacked out catalog page, vim, htop, pdf reader and user guide crashed at launch.

But - calendar, calculator and clock worked, so did the top bar menu and application menus. In settings also when you opened a like display settings all looked good.

After shutting down the device it didn't boot up to desktop anymore even though it ran untill that.

What we learn from this: it was just waste of time unless someone is as curious as me. I thought that it would break much more.

If someone has got firefox running on Leste I am interested how. I am also interested why everything is set up so that you can sudo everywhere without any passwords or anything.

Also interested about the Qtbrowser because I found it unusable as well as the surf browser yet they are in the HAM but chromium which seems usable isn't.
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After the sid main upgrade I am unable to format the sdcard with gparted. Next gonna boot gparted cd to try with that way and as the last option I try to nuke. Also N900 didn't have a problem with cellular before this. Now even when booting to Fremantle it says all telephony connectiom are unable. I thought Leste would not affect this way on the device. Maybe I need to reflash.
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Can't fix web. Web broken.

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Originally Posted by nonsuch View Post
Calls and SMS. Yes. Wouldn't it be great.

Is mpv available on Leste? If yes, watching YT (with youtube-dl or yt-dlp) shouldn't be a problem.

You know you can listen to SomaFM with about any audio player, right?

About the browser, FF still has more overhead on javascript-heavy sites, Ungoogled Chromium might be the better choice here.
mplayer and mpv both available. mplayer is much faster and can do h265 and h264 540p encoded with fastdecode.

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Originally Posted by Maemish View Post
the sid upgrade
It says here that Maemo Leste is based on Debian Buster - have you changed the sources to Debian Sid? The bad kid that destroys all toys?* And now you're surprised things are breaking apart?

Please read this:

* seriously, Debian Sid is their testing ground, only for advanced users even on a normal desktop install, probably impossible on something like Maemo Leste.
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But it was possible! It just broke it. Pioneer work you know, bending boundaries and exploring the limits. As I wrote I just wanted to see assuming it won't boot and that it would break it even more.
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Originally Posted by nonsuch View Post
It says here that Maemo Leste is based on Debian Buster - have you changed the sources to Debian Sid? The bad kid that destroys all toys?* And now you're surprised things are breaking apart?

Please read this:

* seriously, Debian Sid is their testing ground, only for advanced users even on a normal desktop install, probably impossible on something like Maemo Leste.
Maemo-Leste is in development and this development cannot base-off long outdated packages.

The current users of maemo-leste do not encounter problems which would be prevented by using an old OS as a base.

It's also devuan, not debian.

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Just checked through the console output of the latest succesfull build of Leste from 19.12.2021.

Got a deja vu experience, reminded so much reading the old phonebooks which I used to read once in a while back in time, still in 2007 I think. The last time I read I found a name that I recalled my old physics teacher had and it was indeed his number. Chatted like half an hour even though we never talked while I was a student. Much later understood what a peculiar and interesting character he was.

But it was interesting to go through the console output. Try yourself!
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Can any body from Maemo Leste users upload a video on Youtube share his experience with this OS either brief or thoroughly, I want to see what changes occurred if you please..

Thanks in advance...

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leste, maemo 7

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