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Posts: 86 | Thanked: 12 times | Joined on Mar 2008
I am fairly well versed in Linux, having an Ubuntu Desktop running.

I thought it would be easier to apt-get to install some apts. Being half asleep last night after battling for a long time to install rapier, I typed "Sudo apt-get update" and then it proceeded to ask for a password. It was my understanding the root is "12345" and this is apparently not true. Now both xterm and application manager will not even reload repositories.

Any one that can help?

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Posts: 86 | Thanked: 12 times | Joined on Mar 2008
Solved after reading this thread.

installed becomeroot deb to desktop/mmc card and install from file manager.

Then open xterm and "sudo gainroot" then "passwd"

Type "exit" to logout of root
Type "exit" again to close xterm

Hope my stupidity helps someone else.....

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