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Does anyone know a way of getting UK ordnance survey maps onto the N810? If I could find a way of saving digital OS maps as pdf files I could at least read them. The ideal would be to use them with the GPS.
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What (digital) format are they published in?
pixelseventy2's Avatar
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I have got OS Maps working with maemo-mapper. All it takes is time and patience. If you have digital maps (i.e. memory maps) you would need to stitch together a number of screenshots first.
pixel - pushing buttons that shouldn't be pushed, and fiddling with things that shouldn't be fiddled with
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Thanks for these replies. I'm not sure what the format of the maps is since with all the software I have tried you can't save them in eg a jpeg form. The maps are available on Fugawi, Memory Map, Anquet Maps and Tracklogs. I will experiment with screen shots and see how I get on. Would that be using MS Word and then saving in a format which the 810 can read?

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if you want to use maemo mapper, you will need to stitch a number of screenshots together in something like photoshop, to make a big jpeg. microsoft mapcruncher will then import this image and allow you to link the map to real-life, before exporting tiles in a format maemo mapper can use. this will allow you to use gps and zoom on the map
pixel - pushing buttons that shouldn't be pushed, and fiddling with things that shouldn't be fiddled with
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Well, this is amazing stuff! I've got my test map locked and rendered in mapcruncher, but there doesn't seem to be an export option to get it into Maemo mapper. Can you adivse?

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once you've got it rendered you should end up with a lot of png images. These will need to be hosted on a web server somewhere. If you've only done a small area, your ISP may offer you some space. Alternatively, look for some free/cheap web space. A quick google turned up who will give you 150mb, enough to test with certainly. Once your images are uploaded, add a new repository to maemo mapper with a URL in the format:

replace with the URL of your host, I've assumed you've got all your images in a tiles directory there.

Good luck.
pixel - pushing buttons that shouldn't be pushed, and fiddling with things that shouldn't be fiddled with
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This reply is a bit late, but it's taken me a while to get round this map business.

First off, for anyone keen on OS maps there is a very good source at You can buy decent sized map tiles much cheaper than the competition. The snag is they only export to standard mobile devices: either dedicated GPS or windows mobile.

However, it's quite easy to print each screen and save in photoshop, so will work well with Map Cruncher.

However I have been quite unable to get the "render" file from Map Cruncher to open in Maemo Mapper. I'm using Dreamweaver to put the file onto my website, and followed the instructions above to the letter, but nothing happens.

The "mashup" file produced by MapCruncher has the .xml suffix. Is this the right format?

Hope you can help

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you don't need to do anything with the XML file. The only files you are interested in are the .png files generated by the render. I can't remember the exact process for the render, but it should take quite a while.
pixel - pushing buttons that shouldn't be pushed, and fiddling with things that shouldn't be fiddled with
Posts: 28 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Mar 2008
Well what happens is the render finishes and generates the xml file, then if you close the mapcruncher window it ask you to save the "mashup" as a.yum file.

Ive tried uploading this file too but get the same result in Maemo mapper - a black screen. It tries to upload maps from my repository but fails each time. I've tried getting crunching a map with my house in the middle of it and then going outside to get a gps fix, but still no joy.

This is so tantalisingly close! Any other ideas?


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