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I heard somewhere that the N800 isnt as good for watching videos online because the sound and video skips alot because it has a slower processor than the n810. Is that true? Would the N800 be a better choice for me (since i dont really need the key board, but i want the video quality to be great for online) Thanks
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The internals of the N800 and the N810 are virtually identical. The CPUs are exactly the same and run at exactly the same speed.
Posts: 22 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Apr 2008
Thanks a lot for those links. I think ive made my decision, and im getting the N800.
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you won't be disappointed with the video quality on the n800 or the n810.

i built a mythtv box a couple years ago, and since I've gotten the n800, I routinely transcode some of the recordings and transfer them to SD cards to view on my n800. They play very nicely, and the quality is very good.
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Originally Posted by briand View Post
i built a mythtv box a couple years ago, and since I've gotten the n800, I routinely transcode some of the recordings and transfer them to SD cards to view on my n800. They play very nicely, and the quality is very good.
Do you also run a Myth client on the N8? I'd like to hear how well/easy that works. I want to build some kind of LAN media server that can stream to various clients including the NIT.

Agreed that the N8 does well with videos, not everything but most of what I've done works well.
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Originally Posted by IcelandDreams
Do you also run a Myth client on the N8?
I have not, yet, done so. I was pleasantly surprised to see my music collection from mythmusic and my recorded video collection from the 'recorded programs' lists show up in the file manager (presumably via uPnP), though. I'll have to configure on-the-fly transcoding (for the video) and streaming on the myth box one of these days, so I can grab the media over the LAN and watch/listen to it on the n800.

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