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Yup, the big M screwed me again. Last year I had my subscription and was able to copy the mms stream and watch live games witth media player. At times the video was choppy, but it worked. Now it seems that micro b browser will not even show a stream for me to copy. Please tell me that someone can come up with a plugin that will work with silverblight!!!
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Nokia & Microsoft announced agreement which will bring Silverlight support to NIT... However do not expect it in the near future.
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Thanks for the info. Do you think there's a way to copy a streaam location such as mms from an embedded page? I guess I'll look a little harder once I get home on my pc. Thanks again.
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Don't know, not much experienced with Sliverblight (and i don't want to)
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I have too. I found this kind of annoying, but here is a little trick

If you load one of the tv media player pages on a normal desktop/laptop computer (that doesn't have silverlight installed) you will notice a banner that says something like "Use original media player" (or something like that). However, when you load that "tv" window on the tablet, you don't see it. The problem is that uses a fixed size for that window, so if you don't have a screen big enough, alot of the elements overlap, and you can not see that banner (to use the original player). HOWEVER, if you zoom way in on the tablet (I had to zoom to 240%), you will be able to see this banner. Once you click it, you should be presented with the interface you are used to It is annoying and clunky, but it works... I hate that you have to be so fast in copying the url too... It usually takes me a few times before I can get it to work.

Another little hint... Because video is so choppy, I usually convert the stream on the fly using vlc media player. If you have a spare internet visible computer somewhere, it works pretty nice. I have VLC installed on a server, and then I copy the URL into VLC's web interface, and then convert and serve that stream on my server. I then point mplayer to that stream on my server, and the things plays pretty smooth... NICE I haven't done this in a while, but if you are desperate, I may be able to dig up more details.
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@ k-dog
Any tricks up your sleeves for gameday audio on ?

I´m not having any kind of luck at all

Thanx in advance

Last edited by blade2002; 2008-04-18 at 19:26.
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Thanks kdog. I finally zoomed in to 300% on the n800 and was able to open up the original player/screen. Still a little choppy, but I'm goiing to try tversity on my pc to stream it at home. Thanks again!
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MLBViewer works nicely for MLB.TV and gameday audio on a linux desktop. If you can get the right python extensions installed it ought to work on the tablet, I suppose.
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What's the fix for Silverlight?

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