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Hello Their

I try one way to extande my 7 day wayfinder triel

I just change the date in my N810 ONE day back only and I did it on my last day

It's insted of saying you have 3 hours left of the Tril version.

It say you have one day reminnig

The only thing that when it's oreginally expire, there will be a small window cover the center of the program after it's work.

BUT the voice guide was working No problem.

ON the next day I forgt to change the date before it's expire

and the Result that Wayfinder didn't work and ask for a License key

I try to look around to find some way to get the wayfinder for free seem to be dificult.

I read an article in the form about Hacking the Wayfinder, Lot of replay but seem to be NO one get sucsseful

I read about the MAEMO Mapper ? which I don't know how it's work ? Is it like the way finder ?
IF Yes I need some support to uploaded to my N810 step by step Please ......

Any Comant well come.

NOTE : If I can't find a beter Navigation I will purches the One month subscribtion becouse in few days I am going back Home and I belive it won't work .

Have a nice evenning
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I just paid $129 for a 36 month license, because I think it's worth it and I want to support the company who puts the software out. I know it's a little pricey, but at least it's legit.
Posts: 15 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Apr 2008
Thanks morrison,

I agree with you the wayfinder is wonderfull software. BUT for $ 129 I prefare to buy Garmin NUVI 200 it's almost the same price I can find it in eBay
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Originally Posted by morrison View Post
I just paid $129 for a 36 month license, because I think it's worth it and I want to support the company who puts the software out. I know it's a little pricey, but at least it's legit.
Me too. At $43/year I think it is a pretty good deal.
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Originally Posted by dxb_vip View Post
Thanks morrison,

I agree with you the wayfinder is wonderfull software. BUT for $ 129 I prefare to buy Garmin NUVI 200 it's almost the same price I can find it in eBay
I know what you mean, but look at it this way.. at least you have a device which can do it all. I think you can register wayfinder for 12 months as well, but the best deal is for 3 years. Yeah, the Garmin is almost same price, but it's nice to have the full GPS feature in your N810 since you will only have to carry around 1 device.
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I will go for one month now with wayfinder becouse it's the only cheep availabel option for me at time of my visit to US.

I will go back to UAE in few days, But I will keep active in this wonder full Group.

I need to know is the Maemo Mapper do the same as the wayfinder ?
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Originally Posted by dxb_vip View Post
I need to know is the Maemo Mapper do the same as the wayfinder ?
I short: No.

Long answer:

Maemo mapper does not include maps, nor routing software. It downloads maps and routes from public internet providers (maps from google, yahoo, openstreet,... routes from google). So it requires an internet connection.

If you have an internet connection while on route, the map downloading can occur in real-time and on-demand. That is, maemo mapper shows you the map of the area in which you are located, obtaining your location from the GPS, and updating the maps as you move. You can choose the internet provider for the maps, and thus you can see the "Google maps" view, "Yahoo maps", etc. Even the satellite photos are available (and it is amazing to see in real time the arial photo of the area you are travelling). You can choose any zoom level, but note that the maps being used are bitmaps, not vector, so you have to choose (through configuration options) how to perform the zoom for each zoom level: by downloading new maps for the new zoom level or by resampling and resizing the maps from other zoom levels.

You can ask maemo mapper to compute the route between two places. It does it by asking google, and then it plots the route on your map. In combination with GPS, it shows you on-screen the driving instruction, when you are approaching to a "instruction point". If you have flite installed, a text-to-speech software, you can even have these instructions read aloud (altough the sound is not as clear as with Wayfinder).

If you don't have internet on route, you have to download all these maps in advance, but it is possible and easy. You can also download some routes in advance, but if you want to compute a new route while traveling, you'll need an internet connection.

Maemo mapper is an amazing application, and I use it a lot (specially after my Wayfinder demo license expired :-)), but it is not a proper GPS navigator. It cannot recalculate automatically the route if you miss an exit, or if a road is not accesible. You have to manually perform a new route search (and you require an internet connection to do so). In my opinion, maemo mapper is not a copilot which can guide you to your destination, as Wayfinder can do. It is more like a tool for your (human) copilot, such as a road map on steroids, and with gps support.

On the other side, maemo mapper has features not present in Wayfinder. For example, you can record the track of your travel (i.e. where you were at each time). This track is stored in an stardard format, and you should be able to find tools for extracting information from it, such as total distance travelled, average speed, and so on. Another nice application, if you took photos during your travel, is to match the timestamp of each photo agaist the track, so you can have all your photos geolocated in seconds.
--ル Diaz
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Waaw Thanks Alot ( jldiaz )

You made a very nice presentation about the Maemo Mapper.

And you give me a great discription of that product.

ONE Thing more if you don't mind

Where I can download the Maemo Mapper and the instulation procedure Step by step

I am not that good in that way I need a help from an expert like you

Have a great day.
Posts: 674 | Thanked: 191 times | Joined on Mar 2008 @ Buenos Aires, Argentina
You can download Maemo Mapper here:

Simply choose the right .install for your OS (since you have a N810 it should be OS2008) and click on it from your NIT.
Posts: 393 | Thanked: 112 times | Joined on Jul 2007
Please don't pirate or ask for ways to circumvent the Wayfinder license.

I bought a Nokia 770 with Navicom Navigation Kit from back when the deal was £130 for both. Lucky for me the license carried across to my N800, and then my N810 - and even luckier is that it doesn't expire If you can get hold of an old Navicom then afaik you'll have a virtually unlimited license.

The 770 I gave to my grandad to use (I bet he's shoved it in a drawer somewhere!)

Is Wayfinder worth its cost? I'd have to say - given its current development - no.

There simply aren't enough updates (read any) to justify the rental cost. For the membership costs you could purchase a standalone GPS unit, that does more!

That said - it's worked well enough for me. I bought mine at a time when "map" wasn't available for the NITs unless you purchased it.

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