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Hey all, I just got my n800 2 days ago and love it. One thing I'd like to do with it since I set it up to get internet via my cellphone over bluetooth is act as a wifi gateway to my cell.

My linux group meets at a place where there is no internet (hospital meeting room) however it seems that when you are connected to a cellphone it turns off the 802.11 radio? is this true, is there a way that others can connect Ad-hoc to my N800 so I can share wireless goodness (I realize it will be slow)
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Originally Posted by CyberCowboy View Post
One thing I'd like to do with it since I set it up to get internet via my cellphone over bluetooth is act as a wifi gateway to my cell.
An older thread, "Using the N800 as a WiFi Access Point", may be of some interest to you.

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There's been some such work; search around. The built-in configuration things are oriented at providing a connection for the device only, and hence only support one net connection, but it's possible to do.

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Hmmm Benson gives me a scavenger hunt, ok, will dig a little deeper
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Actually, I think that thread may have been what I saw, but I had thought there was a confirmation of success... Not sure. (Didn't see I got ninja-ed till now.)

It's definitely possible, though.
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This has already been done commercially for Nokia smartphones: it should be possible on the tablets as well. I don't think it makes as much sense on the tablets though as they don't have a built-in 3G connection.
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For those Nokias with Wifi, that hack is available. I think there's something similar for WM, but it's not general, so there could be some use; besides, it's much easier here; just some scripting, but we've got all the tools.

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