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I believe the fullscreen button works as tab in VNC viewer. I'll see if I can make a version that enables the fullscreen button to do what it is supposed to do. Would anyone out there rather leave it as the Tab key?
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Originally Posted by johsua
When I go to type it opens the thumb keyboard. Is there a way to make it open the other keyboard instead? Otherwise it works well.
One way is to enable both Launch via rocker key and Launch via touch screen under the Finger tab in the Text input settings.
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It's workng quite well. Good job =DC= !!

Much appreciated!
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Originally Posted by =DC=
Thanks maxilogan, I'll make the changes for the next version.
That's the idea behind the word "community". I'll give you my advices ad help to have a better functioning program.

If I have anything that could help programmers, or other users, it's natural for me to share informations.
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UltraVNC that I previously mentioned, supports scaling but actually only runs on Windows. So that´s no use.

But apparently RealVNC supports scaling and that also runs on linux. Not the free version, but still.

See this:

So if someone just knew how to compile this RealVNC viewer (Enterprise Edition i think...) for Maemo 2.0, we´d have a vnc supporting scaling!

Anyone with the skills needed and nothing else to do? ;-)

- Hallax
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Am I really the only one after scalable VNC?

Posts: 35 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Apr 2006 @ Aloha, OR
Originally Posted by hallax

Am I really the only one after scalable VNC?

No, you're not. It's in the vnc version from openpma I use on my Archos PMA400. It's a zoom feature. It should be possible to port that version ( If I can get some free time, I was going to look into it, but if anyone else wants to persue it, please do.

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I suspect you very well may be the only one. I have never been able to read scaled vnc screens, even on a 1024x780 PC client. I can't imagine scaling on the noky. I can barely read un-scaled text on the noky screen. It kind of surprised me to see the request in the first place.

[edit: wait, are we talking about scaling or zooming ???]

Last edited by Clay; 2006-07-18 at 13:03.
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I'm talking about scaling. it would be great if on the VNC server I could scale my desktop by dividing the resolution by 1.6. so my 1280x768 would fit perfectrly on my nok770 800x480.

yes, it might be that text would be unreadable. but my intention is to use my MediaCenter pc via VNC. i could set tv recordings from work etc...

Posts: 36 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jan 2006
So has anyone had any luck getting the 770 vncviewer connected to any desktop Gnome vino servers? It seems to connect but then locks up for me.

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