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Posts: 188 | Thanked: 99 times | Joined on Mar 2008
Some Nokia 770 users already know me but I have not done anything for the N800 yet

I am thinking of producing a remote control for the N800. I have a feeling I can make one work trough the headphone jack and the USB jack.

The first one I would like to make is the remote control that uses the USB Jack. I have read post that the N800 USB supports FTDI serial to USB chips? If this is true and there is someone out there willing to write software or a kernel that would support a IR receiver that uses the FTDI chip to setup a serial port and receive ASII Hex characters. I will make the remote control and the receiver and make it available at my site under hobbyist corner.

I have tried many devices with my N800 using the USB port but I did not try the Serial to USB chips from FTDI.
I even after several request from friends made my own OTG cable kits available for purchase here
Also soon at
It seem that everyone the sees me using my N800 wants one and buys it?

I also was able to make an 8GB memory chip for the Nokia 770 which everyone who purchased them loves them

After I understand how to do it and make the USB remote control and an interface to plug them into several Docks I will make a Headphone remote control for controlling the different media players available for the N800.
This will possibly require support from software providers such as UKMP, Canola, and the rest to then provide the support in their programs. They may or may not be willing to do it.

So anyone who wants to and can contribute information and software just post here or email me a


Last edited by craves1; 2008-04-15 at 03:28.
Posts: 234 | Thanked: 40 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ Cincinnati, Ohio USA
The headphone jack works as IR interface. Here is an I-Pod walkthrough.
Unfortunatly the speaker IR dongle doesn't seem to be available anymore. Once you have a dongle, OS2008 software to skip the PDA requirment would be nice.

Also, If possible, make jpg or bmp icons that are rotated 90degrees, since the N800 speaker ouput is on the side.

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