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I am trying to figure out to how customize the route Maemo mapper downloaded. By customize I mean, like in Google Maps you use the little white dot to force it to through particular roads. There are quite few such segments I want to change.

I found that thing about tap point (Holding down tapping) and then adding a route point. However, that doesn't seem to reroute the DL route. Redownloading the route from the staring address to the end address doesn't make it go through the route point either. All I can seem to do with the Route Point is to use it as Destination/Origin. Which is not all what I want it to do. Looks like the best I can do is piece together route points or something (not sure if thats even possible)? Any help?
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The only way to "customize" the route is to define your own multiple segments. That is, if you want to go from point A to point Z, but also want to pass through points M and N, then you should download the route in segments: from point A to point M, from M to N, and from N to Z. Maemo Mapper will concatenate the segments together and guide you through all the segments in the order that you downloaded them, assuming you set the appropriate radio button in the "Download Route" dialog.

If you in-program UI is too cumbersome, you can go directly to the GPX Driving Directions web service that Maemo Mapper uses and generate the segments there. You still have to generate them segment-by-segment, though, but once you have the segments, you can open them in Maemo Mapper (in order) to get the same functionality as above.

The tap-and-hold menu's "Add Route Point" functionality is for defining your own route - it doesn't do any route calculation. Sorry it's not (at the moment) any more convenient than that.
Posts: 59 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Apr 2008
Thanks for reply.

I do have one from question in the Download Route UI, seems like you can only use waypoints as Origin (Use End of Route) option. For destination you always need to put in address (probably lat/lon works too). How do I get to go from one WayPoint as Origin to another WayPoint as Destination? Do I have copy the Lat/lon and use them?
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You can "right-click" on the map by tapping and holding the stylus on a point on the map. You then get a pop-up menu with three options: "Tap Point", "Waypoint", and "POI". In either of those three options, there is an option called "Download Route to..." that will pop up the "Download Route" dialog with that point's lat/lon automatically pre-filled into the "Destination" field.

In your case, it sounds like you want to download a route to another waypoint, so tap-and-hold on a waypoint and select "Waypoint | Download Route".

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I found it quicker just to customer my route in google maps on PC and then use gmaptogpx tool ( to download the route in gpx format for Maemo Mapper. Of course this only works when you are by a PC and know your destination ahead of time.
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Posts: 546 | Thanked: 85 times | Joined on Feb 2008 @ Winnipeg, Canada
Originally Posted by bac522 View Post
I found it quicker just to customer my route in google maps on PC and then use gmaptogpx tool ( to download the route in gpx format for Maemo Mapper. Of course this only works when you are by a PC and know your destination ahead of time.
This sounds great, but the first time I tried this maemo-mapper gave a 'Error parsing GPX file'. I had copied the xml data into gvim on a windows box, so I thought that maybe the windows file format difference (cr+lf) might be the problem, so I then copied the data into vim on a a unix server & re-saved, but no difference.
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