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iliaden's Avatar
Posts: 267 | Thanked: 50 times | Joined on Feb 2008 @ Montreal, Canada
I have a 16gb sdhc card. It already has 2 partitions, fat32 and ext2. Running from my n800, how do I format the ext2 partition (i.e. erase ALL data)?

what I'm asking for is the command-line command.

thank you
Posts: 191 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on Sep 2007 @ Ottawa
Try 'mk2efs'

You will need to be root.

I hope this helps,

N800, Think Outside Kbd, 8GB SDHC Card (OCZ, ext2), and 8GB SD Card (Patriot formatted as VFAT)
Zaurus SL-6000, IR Keyboard, 1GB SD Card
stevecrye's Avatar
Posts: 226 | Thanked: 38 times | Joined on May 2008 @ Texas/Earth/Sol System/Milky Way/Local Group/Hubble Bubble/Infinity
Iliaden - your avatar is *very* cool. I was a math major until a class innocently titled "Basic Algebra 1" kicked my rear in my senior year as an undergrad; this was after I had managed to pass ~ 80 hours of calculus, diffeq's vectors, stats, etc. The class was my intro to Fields, Ideals Monoids and Group Theory. The only "numbers" in the entire book were 0 and 1. The take home final was simply: "Prove the Chinese Remainder Theorem".

Sadly, I could not. The prof had mercy on me, gave me a 'C' and I was allowed to switch my major to Computer Science.

But, I still sign my name with the 'S' drawn as an integral sign, from -infinity to +infinity. I love math - just not smart enough to make a living at it. I still read Sci Am and greatly enjoy the occasional math article, particularly mathematics dealing infinity.


BTW it = 69

Last edited by stevecrye; 2008-06-11 at 22:07.
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Originally Posted by iliaden View Post
I have a 16gb sdhc card. It already has 2 partitions, fat32 and ext2. Running from my n800, how do I format the ext2 partition (i.e. erase ALL data)?

what I'm asking for is the command-line command.

thank you
assume you already has the repository,
sudo gainroot
apt-get install e2fsprogs
umount /media/mmc1 (if external card on N8x0)
mke2fs /dev/mmcblk1p2 (mmcblk0p2 if internal card on N8x0)

more info here,, start from the 2nd part "Dual booting...."

iliaden's Avatar
Posts: 267 | Thanked: 50 times | Joined on Feb 2008 @ Montreal, Canada
thanks... mke2fs (or mkfs.ext2) was the command I was looking for. turned out that some time spent googling gave faster results than forums. oh well...

@stevecrye : I have only taken Calculus I and II, Differential equations and Linear Algebra I and II. next semester, I only have physics, chemistry and organic chemistry... no math
(and yeah, it =69. I found this in a "security" check on some site. I was able to pass it, though it did filter out ALL the bots trying to access it!)
Benson's Avatar
Posts: 4,930 | Thanked: 2,272 times | Joined on Oct 2007
Now that's just sad; bots are computers, and computers are supposed to be good at math.
iliaden's Avatar
Posts: 267 | Thanked: 50 times | Joined on Feb 2008 @ Montreal, Canada
yeah, but, as it is well known, they are written by people. And since people know that not everything may be integrated, they program the computers in such a manner that they don't attempt to do so. otherwise, all the power would be drained to pointless operations, ranging from graphic design to relationship advice.

Note: Eliza IS human. her soul was trapped within a machine. THOSE MONSTERS!!!

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