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stevecrye's Avatar
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Actually had this question from day one; been searching; no luck.

Many links to binaries or other objects are hard to download without a "save as" option in a browser, typically had via a right-click of the mouse. For example, delaroca's very nice list of .gz ipped binaries;

Problem is , on the NIT, or even at home via FireFox, if you click on those links, it just opens the binary file. (not picking on Dennis, many other sites have similar 'problem'.) I tried various machinations to save and rename while on my n810, but finally gave up and used wget, which works OK.

But, that begs the question - are there ways to make the mini/microBrowser work more like the Real Mozilla?

I saw this wiki:

nice, but not the answer to my question.

Benson's Avatar
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Generally, I believe this is the fault of the server serving the content as text/html, instead of the correct type. But a workaround for all the misconfigured servers (of which there are many) would certainly be nice. For now, you cany copy the link address, and use wget from xterm. (Might have to set up repos, but I think just apt-get install wget...)
combatdoc's Avatar
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If you click and Hold the stylus on the object, does it not bring up the "Right-Click" menu? I use that often to save .debs etc off FTP in microB. SOmetimes it takes a click or two to get it to display the right-click, but it does.
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Benson's Avatar
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Ahh... I guess I misinterpreted the question by reading my own experiences into it; when content displays as a web page, you can save the web page (via long-click) but it often comes out wrong.
stevecrye's Avatar
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The 'press and hold' did the trick. It enabled me to save the links from delaroca's site, then rename them (they download as .htm) to .gz. I was then able to gunzip; no problems with 'bad magic' errors.

Are these kind of browser/tablet tricks documented somewhere I should be reading first?


Last edited by stevecrye; 2008-06-18 at 01:55.
qole's Avatar
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I think "tap-and-hold" as right-click is a fairly fundamental Tablet fact... If I ever read manuals, I'd be able to tell you if it was in the tablet's manual.
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stevecrye's Avatar
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@qole, Thanks... I'm still trying to find the manual for my n810! I'm now tapping and holding odd places on the screen to see what happens. Perhaps you know if there is the equivalent of up/down/right/left, and ctrl, with the on-screen keyboard ? I'm trying to avoid having to slide the keyboard in and out all the time.

BTW, my wife and I were in Vancouver for the world's fair; I think it was 1982? Stayed in Victoria and rode the ferry. Saw the giant hockey stick; rode the 'coaster. Very nice!

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Originally Posted by stevecrye View Post
@qole, Thanks... I'm still trying to find the manual for my n810! I'm now tapping and holding odd places on the screen to see what happens. Perhaps you know if there is the equivalent of up/down/right/left, and ctrl, with the on-screen keyboard ? I'm trying to avoid having to slide the keyboard in and out all the time.
Nope, you can't do that. Thank Nokia for the world's most ******ed d-pad placement.
That's one of the many reasons I have an N800...

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