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Posts: 190 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ Bee-u-tee-ful Garden Home, Oregon
For the brave, here is a beta copy of my latest project: A port of the NTP client chrony.

Chrony was designed to be used by systems with intermittent internet connections so it seems perfect for the 770.

To install:

1. Download the attached package and install it.
2. Edit the file /etc/chrony/chrony.defs and replace the servers.

This is the biggest problem with chrony - The NTP servers must be specified by IP address, not name. So, you'll have to look up a couple of servers from the public NTP List.

I'm not sure how easy the DNS problem is to fix, but worst case, I'll release an installer that prompts the user for ntp server names (and does the translation internally).

3. If you're paranoid, edit the /etc/chrony/chrony.keys file and replace the default password. The installer is supposed to generate a random key but I've disabled it for now (it's failing because the 'head' in busybox doesn't support the '-c' option).

So for now, you may want to edit the file and replace "password_here" with a password (only needed by the 'chronyc' command line utility).

4. Bounce the chronyd daemon (I usually just reboot).

Now, any time your 770 is connected to the internet it will attempt to sync with network NTP time servers. It will also detect when the network drops and not query the servers.

This package includes a daemon called "dbus_chronyd" that monitors DBUS messages and activates the chrony scripts accordingly (I was thinking of using sockets like the command line client but I was lazy).

This has worked fine for me, but it may cause your 770 to smoke (did anybody else read that post on the wiki???)

Please give it a try and let me know how it works.

Oh yeah, it requires root access and xterm. I'll fix that soon.



EDIT: I rebuilt the package to remove the dependency on readline (until I can understand why the installer isn't working).

Also, as it's configured, chrony won't make drastic changes to your system clock, so you'll have to be patient.

My initial tests were to set the 770 15 minutes slow, and while timing it I realized that chrony only bumps the clock 1-3 seconds per minute, so an hour later is was still 5 minutes slow!

(this can be configured of course, but I think the default behaviour is what everyone really wants - otherwise you could miss alarms, drop events, etc.).
Attached Files
File Type: deb chrony_1.20-10_armel.deb (91.6 KB, 203 views)

Last edited by bradb; 2006-08-01 at 19:04. Reason: upgraded package w/ newer version
runestone's Avatar
Posts: 43 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jan 2006
I get Problems:
Unable to install chrony
Packages missing:
libreadline4 (>=4.3-1)

How do I fix this?
Posts: 190 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ Bee-u-tee-ful Garden Home, Oregon
Originally Posted by runestone
I get Problems:
Unable to install chrony
Packages missing:
libreadline4 (>=4.3-1)

How do I fix this?
Urg, sorry, forgot about that. Open an xterm, "sudo su -" and then

"apt-get install libreadline4"

I wonder if this is a bug... ? I'll modify chronyc NOT to use readline for now.

Posts: 190 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ Bee-u-tee-ful Garden Home, Oregon
Originally Posted by runestone
I get Problems:
Unable to install chrony
Packages missing:
libreadline4 (>=4.3-1)

How do I fix this?

I've removed the dependency to libreadline (and edited the intial post), so if you just want to download the 1.20-10 package it should install fine.


runestone's Avatar
Posts: 43 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jan 2006
worked fine now, thanks!
Posts: 32 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jul 2007
Trying to install this in n800:
dpkg --install chrony_1.20-10_armel.deb
I get a dependency problem:
chrony depends on libgtk2.0-0 ( >=2:2.6.20-1.osso8)
followed by a failed install. This looks like a problem in dpkg, not recognising the correct relationships between libgtk versions. Has anyone successfully installed this in an n800?
hybrid's Avatar
Posts: 42 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Park City, Utah, USA
I was reading this thread on my N800 and simply clicked the link above to download/install. That worked properly so I edited the .conf file to insert IP addresses and rebooted.

I see that the application is running, but nothing is being written to its log files so I'm not sure if it really is working.

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