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I had an (probably stupid) idea for a good use for my good old n800: Use it as a wireless hard drive. I've search through the foruns but as far as I seen nobody has done it.

I know its far fetched, but i see no reason why is not possible. Imagine a dvd player that accepts usb input. Plugin an n800 device, that virtualizes a fat32 (=) hard drive which is a wi-fi remote drive mounted on the n800 .


dvd_player <=usb=> n800 <=wi-fi=> host pc <=shared hd=>

Is this possible or just crazy talk ?

Thanks in advance,
TrueJournals's Avatar
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The best thing I can think of is set up SSH on your n800 and SCP into it. If on Windows, use WinSCP. This won't mount it as a drive, actually, but this will allow you to transfer files to and from it.

[edit]D'oh! I should think about these things first... This would not work. When you connect via USB, it un-mounts the memory card(s), and gives USB access to them. So, even if you setup something like this, you would not be able to access the memory card(s) that the dvd player sees.
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Last edited by TrueJournals; 2008-06-28 at 00:03.
Posts: 5 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jul 2007
Exactly, the dvd player will only "see" the card, but i assume that is a "software feature" and one should be able to override it and instead of pointing the usb device to the card(s) , point it to a selected mountpoint (it could be a smb/cifs mountpoint for instance) .

That would be cool
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Originally Posted by franciscols View Post
...instead of pointing the usb device to the card(s) , point it to a selected mountpoint (it could be a smb/cifs mountpoint for instance) .
That wouldn't directly work without a ridiculous amount of trickery, since a USB mass storage device is a raw disk, while a SMB share isn't.

Pointing to a disk image (with a FAT32 filesystem) on a network share seems more doable.

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