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siralien's Avatar
Posts: 109 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ Bristol, UK
How can I set the time/date on my N810 with Diablo via NTP?
Posts: 674 | Thanked: 191 times | Joined on Mar 2008 @ Buenos Aires, Argentina
Have you tried OpenNTPD?

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siralien's Avatar
Posts: 109 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ Bristol, UK
There is no documentation for that tool. How is one supposed to use it?
Posts: 674 | Thanked: 191 times | Joined on Mar 2008 @ Buenos Aires, Argentina
Just install it. It works.

If you want to see if it works in your NIT, in Xterm run as root 'ntpd -d'.
Posts: 27 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jan 2008
Another good way to get the time set is to use gps-clockd from
It adjusts the time when ever your GPS connects. In my case this is simplier to setup than ntp, ntpdate or rdate.
Posts: 674 | Thanked: 191 times | Joined on Mar 2008 @ Buenos Aires, Argentina
But OpenNTPD adjusts whenever you are online (more frequent that the use of GPS, at least in my case). And regarding the setup, you have to do nothing. Easier than that?
siralien's Avatar
Posts: 109 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ Bristol, UK
Let's assume I am a user and not an admin. I don't have root access so I guess I have no way of knowing?

>>If you want to see if it works in your NIT, in Xterm run as root 'ntpd -d'.
qwerty12's Avatar
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Getting root access is only one search away.

Infact, the home of a very simple program to be root is in this thread.
Posts: 674 | Thanked: 191 times | Joined on Mar 2008 @ Buenos Aires, Argentina

As querty12 said, in you can find an application to easily become root.

Anyway, let me tell you that I have installed OpenNTPD as soon as I got my NIT but until your question I didn't care about it. I assumed it just worked. Now, after researching, I am sure. Thanks.

Another way to check if everything works fine, it would be to set a wrong time in your NIT and wait until OpenNTPD fixes it.
Posts: 674 | Thanked: 191 times | Joined on Mar 2008 @ Buenos Aires, Argentina

I just tried what I recommended you: I changed the clock to a random time. One hour later, I checked and the time was right. I don't know exactly when the time was adjusted, but the important thing it's that it was.

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