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Please help I just upgraded to Diablo 2008 . I use AOL for my e-mail I went through the wizard and configured the e-mail . did not work so I went into tools. under the incoming tab there is info in there already and it is light text and can not change. Incoming server port 143. secure connection none. I can not do anything in the incoming tab
Under the outgoing tab it is darker text and i can change it. Outgoing server is authentication is log in .secure connection in none. The port I changed to what AOL says is correct port 587.

Now the strange part. I can send e-mails no problem, If I look at my saved box it has all my mail that is saved on AOL and I can open and read it easyly. but if I go to in box, try to send and receive or just send myself a e-mail it does not come through.. it starts to receive then closes and a box comes up "internal error.Application E-mail closed. and the e-mail shuts down. I have been working hours trying to figure this out with no luck . I used the AOL e-mail prior to the upgrade with no problem.
Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated.
Posts: 81 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Nov 2007
Once the account is set up you can't change all of it's properties. E.g. you can't change the user name for the inbox afterwards. That's why the settings are in light grey and read only. Have you tried to remove the account and to recreate it?
Posts: 4 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jul 2008
Yes, I have deleted the account and started again and I get the same result. Really strange, fustrating to say the least.
Posts: 9 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Feb 2007
i have this same issue on the N800 with aim. I believe its an issue with imap and aim since imap works fine with gmail. you can make a custom aim email client and use the server with port 110 (set by default) you should be fine. you will lose some folders (ie. spam) but you will still have you inbox to read. the smtp setting will remain the same.
Posts: 9 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Feb 2007
replace aim with aol in your case: may work, but you can just set it up as an aim and use your aol credentials.

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Thanks- I will try it after work today
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No need for POP3.

Just use because this is the official IMAPS port, and I can netcat no with no problem. Whoever told you port 587 should be fired. This has nothing to do with IMAP. Some ISPs might still use 585 though, and some use imaps.* as hostname. Whatever the case, imaps:// should work, and if not, try imap4-ssl:// also if you do this, flag 'secure' on and say you use TLS.

I'm unable to to edit the IMAP settings after I opened the application. Bug in Modest? Delete the account and reconfigure the account according to the above settings and you should be fine. No data will be lost, its all on AOL's IMAP server which you'll try to access securely.

Last edited by allnameswereout; 2008-07-15 at 15:45. Reason: flag secure & unable to edit imap settings

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