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Dqkata's Avatar
Posts: 40 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Mar 2008 @ Bulgaria
Hi all. I have a little problem and I'll be very thankful if someone can help me solve it. I'm using this SIP provider called "12voip" ( and I'm having some problem making an account on my N800. I just want to wet you all know that I've read almost everything on this topic on this site but I still got the "network error" massage when I try to connect to the account. OK, here are the configurations that I wrote on the account setup :
User name: my user
Password: my pass
Use for PSTN calls: I checked it off
Advance settings:
Transport: Auto
Outgoing proxy:
Port: 5060
Discover public address: I checked it off
Keep-alive mechanism: Auto
Keep-alive frequency: 0
User name: My user name
Password: My password
Auto-detect STUN: Unchecked
STUN server:
STUN port: 3478

That's it. I have no idea whats wrong with this configuration and why I can't log in this account. Tell me if you see something wrong with this configuration or if you know what the problem is. Thank you in advance
brontide's Avatar
Posts: 868 | Thanked: 474 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Capital District, NY, USA

Have you tried without the outgoing proxy?

The other suggestion would be signing up for a gizmo or skype account and testing those as well, this will prove if there is an underlying network issue since those are well known systems.
Posts: 66 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Apr 2008
By default the NIT automatically capitalises the first letter of your password when you enter it into the password dialogue box. It's only on screen for a brief moment before turning into an asterix that hides what you've typed.

This is OK if the first character of your password IS a capital letter, but not if it isn't. This is a very easy mistake to miss.

I know this caught me out a couple of times, until I read about it somewhere on this forum and corrected it.

Also my username and password (on are not the same as I use to actually log into my account on the Sipgate website.

Username is the last 7 numbers of my Sipgate telephone number (i.e. in the Internet call setup on the NIT.

And my password is one issued to me by Sipgate, not the one I defined when setting up the account on their website.

Don't know if it's the same with your SIP provider, but it doesn't hurt to check these things.

Last edited by Alpha4; 2008-07-06 at 14:11. Reason: not telling
brontide's Avatar
Posts: 868 | Thanked: 474 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Capital District, NY, USA
Originally Posted by Alpha4 View Post
By default the NIT automatically capitalises the first letter of your password when you enter it into the password dialogue box. It's only on screen for a brief moment before turning into an asterix that hides what you've typed.
If that's the case, please file a bug report at Password dialogs should never auto-capitalize. The fix is a single line in the source code.
Eismaus's Avatar
Posts: 31 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Germany

Can you tell me, what you put into the advanced settings to get sipgate running?

Posts: 66 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Apr 2008
Here you go:

Connection Tab.
Transport = Auto
Outgoing Proxy =
Port= 5060
Discover Public Address = Ticked
Keep-Alive Mechanism= Auto
Keep-Alive Freq = 5

Authentication Tab.
Authentication user name = (last 7 numbers of my sipgate telephone number).
Password = my user password

Auto-detect STUN = Ticked
STUN Server = (but greyed out as Auto-detect STUN ticked).
Stun Port = 3478 (but greyed out as Auto-detect STUN ticked).

Hope this helps :-)

Last edited by Alpha4; 2008-07-16 at 21:39. Reason: correction

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Eismaus's Avatar
Posts: 31 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Germany
Thanks. Now it works.

The stun settings weren't right.
Posts: 66 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Apr 2008
Glad to help
Posts: 114 | Thanked: 50 times | Joined on Oct 2006
@Dqkata: I've also not been able to connect to 12voip... tried as many things I could

if you found something, let me know
Posts: 114 | Thanked: 50 times | Joined on Oct 2006
Looks like 12voip and voipbuster share their user database.

I've been able to connect and use voipbuster using my 12voip account.

I used:

User name: my user
Password: my pass
Use for PSTN calls: I checked it off
Advance settings:
Transport: UDP
Outgoing proxy:
Port: 5060
Discover public address: I checked it off
Keep-alive mechanism: Auto
Keep-alive frequency: 0
User name: Empty
Password: Empty
Auto-detect STUN: Unchecked
STUN server:
STUN port: 3478

Good luck!

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