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qwerty12's Avatar
Posts: 4,274 | Thanked: 5,358 times | Joined on Sep 2007 @ Looking at y'all and sighing
That guy doesn't believe in sharing source. Many people asked and all they recieved was crap back.
I forsee this having a bigger chance of getting ported:
speculatrix's Avatar
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Originally Posted by qole View Post
Put a question mark at the end of your thread titles if you aren't announcing! Arrrgh
edited. sorry.
Posts: 69 | Thanked: 24 times | Joined on Feb 2007
Originally Posted by speculatrix View Post
it occurs to me that the on-screen qwerty keyboard on the n800 could be made easier to use if it were full-screen, and if it were alpha blended you could still see what was underneath!

is this insane or inspired?
The mini keyboard is probably best left as it is, but the thumb-board should definitely be transparent. I remember Skype being a bit strange to use with the thumb-board before I upgraded to an N810.

After all, it's quite hard to reply to an IM chat or compose a forum reply if you can't see what you're replying to any more...
Benson's Avatar
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Suggestion: In Debian/XFCE, I had compositing on at one point. With a window manager (hopefully lighterweight, though...) that can do that, and some non-hildon vkbd, it should be doable... You know I might have to try that at some point. If I can make that happen, I'll so post gloating screen-shots. (Yes, and instructions.) I know the alternate-WM thing's not for everyone, but it'd help me, and it'd be one more reason for those on the fence.

Another option, since I already like F, would be to add the translucency patch to F, and rig up a FvwmButtons-based keyboard...
Posts: 5,335 | Thanked: 8,187 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ Pennsylvania, USA
Originally Posted by Benson View Post
I think everyone supports the option, though some have expressed scepticism that it would be a good full replacement in other discussions of this...
"Other discussions" such as the "Transparent thumb keyboard poll" and the discussion that led to that poll.

Everything old is a new thread again.
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Karel Jansens's Avatar
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Originally Posted by sjgadsby View Post
"Other discussions" such as the "Transparent thumb keyboard poll" and the discussion that led to that poll.

Everything old is a new thread again.
I think what these discussions mostly showed was that Nokia people are only interested in those opinions of the community that exactly match their own (see democracy sophistry).
Watch out Nokia, Pandora's box has opened (sorta)...
I do love explaining cryptic sigs, but for the impatient:
Posts: 168 | Thanked: 51 times | Joined on Jun 2007
I already have a fvwmbuttons keyboard for you. The nice thing about it is you can resize it to full screen if you want to finger tap on it. I use two keyboards, one for lower case and numbers and one for uppercase and symbols. Mostly I just use it for entering URLS and such, so I've given precedence to colon, slash, at, etc.

edit: The red box in the bottom right corner launches the second keyboard. I use these styles for the windows:

Style *vk* Title, NeverFocus, StaysOnTop
Style *sym* Title, NeverFocus, StaysOnTop

Module FvwmButtons: vk
#*vk: Geometry 720x400
*vk: ButtonGeometry 30x34
*vk: Rows 5
*vk: Columns 12
*vk: BoxSize fixed
*vk: Font "xft:Tahoma:antialias=True:pixelsize=24"
*vk: Fore white
*vk: Back black

*vk: (1x1, Title "1", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press 1)
*vk: (1x1, Title "2", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press 2)
*vk: (1x1, Title "3", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press 3)
*vk: (1x1, Title "4", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press 4)
*vk: (1x1, Title "5", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press 5)
*vk: (1x1, Title "6", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press 6)
*vk: (1x1, Title "7", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press 7)
*vk: (1x1, Title "8", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press 8)
*vk: (1x1, Title "9", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press 9)
*vk: (1x1, Title "0", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press 0)
*vk: (2x1, back red, Title "<<<", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press BackSpace)

*vk: (1x1, Title "q", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press q)
*vk: (1x1, Title "w", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press w)
*vk: (1x1, Title "e", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press e)
*vk: (1x1, Title "r", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press r)
*vk: (1x1, Title "t", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press t)
*vk: (1x1, Title "y", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press y)
*vk: (1x1, Title "u", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press u)
*vk: (1x1, Title "i", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press i)
*vk: (1x1, Title "o", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press o)
*vk: (1x1, Title "p", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press p)
*vk: (2x1, back blue, Title "RTN", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press Return)

*vk: (1x1, Title "a", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press a)
*vk: (1x1, Title "s", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press s)
*vk: (1x1, Title "d", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press d)
*vk: (1x1, Title "f", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press f)
*vk: (1x1, Title "g", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press g)
*vk: (1x1, Title "h", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press h)
*vk: (1x1, Title "j", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press j)
*vk: (1x1, Title "k", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press k)
*vk: (1x1, Title "l", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press l)
*vk: (1x1, Title ":", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press colon)
*vk: (1x1, Title "/", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press slash)
*vk: (1x1, Title "@", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press at)

*vk: (1x1, Title "z", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press z)
*vk: (1x1, Title "x", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press x)
*vk: (1x1, Title "c", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press c)
*vk: (1x1, Title "v", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press v)
*vk: (1x1, Title "b", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press b)
*vk: (1x1, Title "n", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press n)
*vk: (1x1, Title "m", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press m)
*vk: (1x1, Title ",", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press comma)
*vk: (1x1, Title ".", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press period)
*vk: (1x1, Title "'", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press quoteright)
*vk: (1x1, Title "\"", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press quotedbl)
*vk: (1x1, Title "-", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press minus)

*vk: (2x1, Title ">>>", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press Tab)
*vk: (9x1, Title " ", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press space)
*vk: (1x1, back red, Title " ", Action "Module FvwmButtons sym -g 360x170+0+282")

Module FvwmButtons: sym
#*sym: Geometry 720x400
*sym: ButtonGeometry 30x34
*sym: Rows 5
*sym: Columns 12
*sym: BoxSize fixed
*sym: Font "xft:Tahoma:antialias=True:pixelsize=24"
*sym: Fore white
*sym: Back black

*sym: (1x1, Title "!", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press exclam)
*sym: (1x1, Title "@", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press at)
*sym: (1x1, Title "#", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press numbersign)
*sym: (1x1, Title "$", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press dollar)
*sym: (1x1, Title "\%", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press percent)
*sym: (1x1, Title "^", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press asciicircum)
*sym: (1x1, Title "&", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press ampersand)
*sym: (1x1, Title "*", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press asterisk)
*sym: (1x1, Title "+", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press plus)
*sym: (1x1, Title "=", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press equal)
*sym: (2x1, back red, Title "<<<", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press BackSpace)

*sym: (1x1, Title "Q", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press Q)
*sym: (1x1, Title "W", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press W)
*sym: (1x1, Title "E", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press E)
*sym: (1x1, Title "R", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press R)
*sym: (1x1, Title "T", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press T)
*sym: (1x1, Title "Y", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press Y)
*sym: (1x1, Title "U", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press U)
*sym: (1x1, Title "I", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press I)
*sym: (1x1, Title "O", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press O)
*sym: (1x1, Title "P", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press P)
*sym: (2x1, back blue, Title "RTN", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press Return)

*sym: (1x1, Title "A", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press A)
*sym: (1x1, Title "S", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press S)
*sym: (1x1, Title "D", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press D)
*sym: (1x1, Title "F", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press F)
*sym: (1x1, Title "G", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press G)
*sym: (1x1, Title "H", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press H)
*sym: (1x1, Title "J", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press J)
*sym: (1x1, Title "K", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press K)
*sym: (1x1, Title "L", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press L)
*sym: (1x1, Title ":", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press colon)
*sym: (1x1, Title "/", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press slash)
*sym: (1x1, Title "@", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press at)

*sym: (1x1, Title "Z", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press Z)
*sym: (1x1, Title "X", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press X)
*sym: (1x1, Title "C", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press C)
*sym: (1x1, Title "V", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press V)
*sym: (1x1, Title "B", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press B)
*sym: (1x1, Title "N", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press N)
*sym: (1x1, Title "M", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press M)
*sym: (1x1, Title ",", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press comma)
*sym: (1x1, Title ".", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press period)
*sym: (1x1, Title ";", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press semicolon)
*sym: (1x1, Title "?", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press question)
*sym: (1x1, Title "\\", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press backslash)

*sym: (1x1, Title "(", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press parenleft)
*sym: (1x1, Title ")" Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press parenright)
*sym: (1x1, Title "<", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press less)
*sym: (1x1, Title ">", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press greater)
*sym: (1x1, Title "[", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press bracketleft)
*sym: (1x1, Title "]", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press bracketright)
*sym: (1x1, Title "{", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press braceleft)
*sym: (1x1, Title "}", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press braceright)
*sym: (1x1, Title "`", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press quoteleft)
*sym: (1x1, Title "~", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press asciitilde)
*sym: (1x1, Title "_", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press underscore)
*sym: (1x1, Title "|", Action (Mouse 1) FakeKeypress press bar)

Last edited by coffeedrinker; 2008-07-30 at 17:08.

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Posts: 83 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Jun 2008
I'm not interested in alternative OS's (yet), mostly because I want the device to be as finger-friendly as possible for my car. I'm sure I'll try some of the other installs within a few months though.

I decided to try to hack the demo vkb to make a transparent window yesterday, but failed and quickly found a thread that pointed out that transparency only works with desktop plugins. I might try stealing screenshot code and throwing that underneath just as a test, but I can't imagine I'll be getting very far with any of these ideas
Addison's Avatar
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I'll throw out an idea on this and see what you guys think.

What if someone recompiled Xkbd but simply removed the source coding for drawing the keyboard background and key borders as well?

This would make for an invisible keyboard rather than a transparent one though.

It probably would have a steep learning curve and might be difficult to use properly for many unless we figured out a really great layout format and input method.

Xkbd has several layers of depth to it including Shift keys, Mod keys, and also sliding up, down, left, and right off of each key.

If someone is willing to recompile, I should be able to come up with a full screen, invisible layout that should only take an hour or so to become accustomed to.

So what is anyone's thought on this?

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