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Hello all, I have a nokia n800 that is working beautifully. I have had it about 4 months, I have recently upgraded my OS to diablo, now I seem to have an issue with my Map software. Everytime I open the map it will either immediately shut down or load with open and restart. I have subsribed to wayfinder and have an activation code. Is this common and can anyone shed some light on this for me, what should I do. I have flashed my system and this has not solved the problem. Thanks in advance
Un27Pee's Avatar
Posts: 259 | Thanked: 59 times | Joined on Feb 2008
have you updated the maps. check for the latest beginning from here.
Uncle Pee

T3 - IT 810
Confidence is hard to gain easy to loose impossible to regain, Pee

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la.lidstrom's Avatar
Posts: 17 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ SWEDEN
Zilby I got equal problem , After the upgrade the map app just shuts down.

No time to do any settings or fill in license number.

How to solve ?
sachin007's Avatar
Posts: 2,041 | Thanked: 1,066 times | Joined on Mar 2006 @ Houston
you should have the maps in either of your memory cards and the memory card should be inside the n800. If the maps application cannot find the maps... it just shuts down.
la.lidstrom's Avatar
Posts: 17 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ SWEDEN
Tanks for the suggestion. Problem is I do have maps on the memory card (external) . I can see them in filebrowser..
Is there any way to make map app to see them.

Is it prefeerable to have them on the intenal memory card?
Un27Pee's Avatar
Posts: 259 | Thanked: 59 times | Joined on Feb 2008
i have mine in the external memory since i have enough space in there but in either case maps is able to see the files ext and int, if you can put the files in the internal memory when everything is well later you can move them.
Uncle Pee

T3 - IT 810
Confidence is hard to gain easy to loose impossible to regain, Pee
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Originally Posted by la.lidstrom View Post
Problem is I do have maps on the memory card (external) .
Maps will also shut down if it finds any of its data files or maps are corrupted. Try moving the entire maps directory off your external card, onto another computer. If Maps will start and run normally afterwards, one or more of the files in your maps directory are corrupt.
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