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Hello, I'm a newbie here, I hope someone can help me with a problem. I bought a Nokia 770 internet tablet off Ebay, which was delivered today, but it doesn't work. I switched it on, using a battery that I already had. The screen lit up, the Nokia tune played, but nothing else happened. The next thing I saw was a grey line down each side of the screen, but, when I pressed buttons, there were 2 grey lines each side. That's all it's done since I switched it on. I've tried re-flashing it, and updating the firmware. The firmware updated OK, according to my computer screen, but the screen remained white. I've contacted the Nokia Repair Centre in my local area, and another company, both of whom say it's fixable, but both have quoted me around the £70 mark for the repair. I've already paid £40 for the tablet, and don't mind spending a few more tenners to fix it, but I think that £70 is too much. Has anyone got any ideas, so I can be up and running?
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Posts: 1,310 | Thanked: 820 times | Joined on Mar 2006 @ Irving, TX
It sounds like your 770 is WSOD. More info here:

In that case it can not (at least with any reasonable amount of money) repaired. If it was like that right after receiving the item you should negotiate with your ebay seller and request return and refund. If it doesn't work, then make Paypal claim (if you paid with Paypal).
Posts: 2 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Aug 2008
It was paid with paypal, but it was sold as seen. The seller said he hadn't a charger, so he couldn't check it. It arrived in this condition, just this morning (06/08/08), so it's not worked at all since I received it. Even with the caveat, I still feel angry, and that I've been sold a pup. I had seen that posting that you hyperlinked for me, thanks for that, but that was an old posting and I hoped that something had happened since then, such as updates, workarounds or price quotations, etc.
Posts: 449 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on Jun 2006
Unfortunately, it does sound like the WSoD...for future ebay buyers I would be very wary of buying a 770 through ebay because the WSoD was a rather common problem with mid-production units. And I would never buy one if the seller can't guarantee the screen works.

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