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thp's Avatar
Posts: 1,391 | Thanked: 4,272 times | Joined on Sep 2007 @ Vienna, Austria
I've created a .deb package of the media player:
tso's Avatar
Posts: 4,783 | Thanked: 1,253 times | Joined on Aug 2007 @ norway
nice player

still, it would be nicer if one could change file without having to restart it the player, and some kind of history list could have been nice to.

also, if one bookmark while paused, the bookmark shows only zeros.
danramos's Avatar
Posts: 4,672 | Thanked: 5,455 times | Joined on Jul 2008 @ Springfield, MA, USA
I know the seek bar was intentionally made so that you couldn't seek to a point with your finger (and the buttons do a fine job of moving through the file)... but it's my preferred method for jumping around through particularly large audio files in an instant. (I listen to a LOT of podcasts.. some are up to three hours long in one mp3.) Can you enable it and perhaps set a 'seek lock' button somewhere so that it can be disabled for anyone that fears touching it by mistake?

Also--huge thanks. If I start to use this as my normal player, I fully intend to donate to this cause as well. (I already feel like I should re-donate to gpodder with the way you're handling it.)

HUGE thanks!!

Last edited by danramos; 2008-08-13 at 19:10.

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