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Originally Posted by troubleshootr
This brings up a good point. Can "not used" applications be removed/replaced? I never use Chess or Marbles, and can put that extra space to better use. I would prefer Minimo over Opera, can I remove Opera? Anyone done this?
I have wondered the same myself. What would be great is to just have a "base system" flash and a configurator that would allow you to add apps up to the memory limit. That would be unbelievably useful.
Posts: 125 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Aug 2006
As for a JRE chip/JIT, shoot, a java compiler would be nice in the meantime--or even s60 3rd
Karel Jansens's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Odin
I have wondered the same myself. What would be great is to just have a "base system" flash and a configurator that would allow you to add apps up to the memory limit. That would be unbelievably useful.
Here's a suggestion: maybe a forking "minimalist" maemo distro could present the unused flash memory space as a formatted and mounted "drive"?

Or a tool that would essentially cobble together a flash image with the user's choice of alternative applications? It could even be done from an online repository, assuring thereby that no weird applications find their way into the flash.

Yeah, I know: I'm dreaming here...
Posts: 474 | Thanked: 30 times | Joined on Jan 2006
Originally Posted by Karel Jansens
And we really need a JRE on the 770.

Honestly, every problem I've had with the 770 so far --- other than raw CPU power --- has either been solved or appears essentially solvable.
Posts: 356 | Thanked: 38 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ Finland
I'm questioning the Nokia's part in all this. Now all the goodies are accomplished by eager and skillful users. What is Nokia doing? If one is satisfied with what there is now, not much is propable to be gained from Nokia
Odin's Avatar
Posts: 207 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jun 2006 @ Texas
Originally Posted by Karel Jansens
Here's a suggestion: maybe a forking "minimalist" maemo distro could present the unused flash memory space as a formatted and mounted "drive"?

Yeah, I know: I'm dreaming here...
...that cannot fly.

Frankly, that is a damned good idea. Nokia does look at this board (who knows for how long and with what level of understanding, but they do look ). Given the immense level of programmability of the 770, I believe that something like this happening is not as far-fetched as you may think.
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Originally Posted by mrp
I'm questioning the Nokia's part in all this. Now all the goodies are accomplished by eager and skillful users. What is Nokia doing? If one is satisfied with what there is now, not much is propable to be gained from Nokia
...about as much as can be expected. They have to eat, you know. Then there are the shareholders, which I imagine is every villager in Nokia, Finland. Jeez!
Posts: 41 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2005 @ Brasil
Originally Posted by Karel Jansens
I agree on the Internet part: as a device that is being marketed as an Internet Tablet, the Internet experience on the 770 is presently woefully inadequate: no Java, really old flash, no tabs and no possibility to use any of the online "Office" packages, because Opera chooses to behave differently from the rest.

Minimo might be the answer, provided us users are given the option to store it in flash instead of crap-Opera.

And we really need a JRE on the 770. In fact, Nokia should have put a dedicated Java-chip inside the 770; heck, if it fits inside a P910, there should be room for it in the 770. I would love to learn the warped reasoning of that particular Nokia executive who thought it would be a good idea to leave Java out of an Internet Tablet...
770's CPU has a dedicated JME accelerator, I guess that is what you are referring to in the SE P910. Curiously, it is not used at all. Apparently it has more to do with licensing than anything else.
Karel Jansens's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Wooky
770's CPU has a dedicated JME accelerator, I guess that is what you are referring to in the SE P910. Curiously, it is not used at all. Apparently it has more to do with licensing than anything else.
Does it really cost that much per unit to get a license?
Posts: 190 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ Bee-u-tee-ful Garden Home, Oregon
Originally Posted by troubleshootr
This brings up a good point. Can "not used" applications be removed/replaced? I never use Chess or Marbles, and can put that extra space to better use. I would prefer Minimo over Opera, can I remove Opera? Anyone done this?
It's my understanding that most all components of 2006 are installed as packages.

Try 'dpkg -l' to see a list (may need to be root)

So you should be able to remove components at will...


EDIT: So I removed the two marbles packages and root is bigger so...

Last edited by bradb; 2006-09-04 at 01:46. Reason: tried it

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