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Hello all!

I just picked up a n810 and i am trying to mount some shares on my network nas. What I hope to do is to play media off the nas but so far I can see the shares but I can't launch any mp4 media. These shares are not password protected as this network is firewalled.

Anyway, I am having problems with this bit:
Wizard Mounter 1.1-ITOS08 -- README --
Wizard Mounter depends on : rx-34-kernel-modules-extra and portmap both could be installed adding the repository : deb chinook free non-free
The installation of wizard-mounter makes changes to your sudoers file in order to allow user to mount remote resources. In details it adds:
insmod for all nfs/smb modules
mount and portmap start/stop script.


how do I install the dependancies? apt get?


Last edited by dsnye; 2008-08-16 at 17:50.
xopher_mc's Avatar
Posts: 86 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Berlin, Germany
Hey dsyne,

Have you added the extras repository like this

To add a repository Click MENU - > TOOLS -> APPLICATION MANAGER

Then click on the file button or the title bar of Application manager and select TOOLS -> APPLICATION CATALOG

We want to add a repository so click NEW.

Catalog name: Maemo Repository

Web address:

Distribution: chinook

Components: free non-free

Click OK, then click CLOSE

it should now be able to find the dependencies when installing.

I am surprised that you cannot see the share through the file manager. I play music from my nas all the time without using wizard mount. When you say you can see the shares. Do you mean you can see the content or just the fact that the shares are there.

Posts: 23 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Aug 2008
hrmm now I have added the repository but I can't find the two things.

Regarding the nas, I can see the shares as they do not have passwords. I can then launch pictures but not videos / movies or music.

It's only 10mb wwan so perhaps that's the problem?

Should I be using mplayer to play these network files?

xopher_mc's Avatar
Posts: 86 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Berlin, Germany
Are you trying to look at them with nokia media player or mplayer. I generally just use the nokia one.

Also, try installing wizard mount from the applications list rather than garage.
Posts: 23 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Aug 2008
From the site:

"Unable to download wizard-mounter.
Application package not found."

My MP4 's are coming from my Neuros OSD ( )

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btw I don't mean my OSD is the NAS. I have a dedicated NAS that I encode to.

xopher_mc's Avatar
Posts: 86 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Berlin, Germany
have you tried copying a file to the tablet to see if you can play it locally. If not try mplayer.
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Originally Posted by xopher_mc View Post
have you tried copying a file to the tablet to see if you can play it locally. If not try mplayer.
If I copy a file locally it works ok.

do I have to type in the samba path as both mplayer & media player neither play any files still on the nas.
Hedgecore's Avatar
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I'm with Xopher, install it from the Application Manager. That was one of the first apps I found when I got my N810 a little while ago and I believe that's how I did it.

Also, Wizard Mounter doesn't really offer you verbose error messages. I managed to get my media share mounted but it elicited a lot of scowling and head shaking.

And also of note, it's sloooow browsing network shares (for me at least). The file manager seems to read ahead and count the files in each directory (read: thousands of mp3s) so stuff takes a while. Playback is just fine though, once you actually navigate to the file you want to open.

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